Broadhand |

My solo PC rolled *extremely* well (again) for her character, so I get to build an NPC monk to accompany her (40 point).
However, I've only ever played the standard monk class, so I have no idea which of the available archetypes are good/crap for monks. I already have:
Time Thief (PC)
Swashbuckler (damage)
Sorcerer (damage/support - illusion/evocation)
I want something that can complement the party. I also want something that WON'T SUCK.

lemeres |

While I usually do not support this, since I highly enjoy the monk class (...when you use archetypes), but a Sacred Fist might be a wise decision here since you seem to lack a divine caster.
Other suggestions- how about a maneuver master? A focus on a dirty trick specialist with a side of trip would allow you to just tear apart the opposition.
Anyway, here are a set of example stats:
STR: 18 (16) DEX: 16 CON: 14 INT: 10 WIS: 18 CHA: 8
The wisdom is high, which is great for the 'wisdom to maneuver check' ability, as well as stunning fist DC and monk AC. High strength since it doesn't have a feat tax for your CMB (plus, you can just grab a temple sword for at least some 2 handed damage after the enemies are writhing on the ground with their hair tied to their shoe laces).