sMik PZ |
Hey Matt. THere was also a FAQ that Eric sent out that I found helpful. Kinda gave a rough outline and explained some of the terms.
Griff Olar |
Jyord you should have 1 more 4th & 5th level spells, do to your high wisdom mod
Mik, did you yse a program to fill out your character sheet, or cut and paste?
Ican't tell but did you guys kill the spiderMonkeydeamon thing?
on the campaign info could we get a list of the spires that we have identified, and what there bonus is. With getting over some mental afliction that might occur again I think a different spire might help.
I also think that the remnants of the red mantis are afflicted, (not that we should save them) but they may have entered one of the places were the gems are stored, and taken the gems.
Eric Sklavos |
did you yse a program to fill out your character sheet, or cut and paste?
I've used PCGen for my Character Info before. It's a little clunky, but it's free and the last tab has several character sheet display options you can cut and paste with.
Here's the link for PCGen:
sMik PZ |
Hey Matt, sorry for the tardy reply but its been a busy weekend. The initial part is manual and the remainder, starting at:
is copied from my character sheet. I use an excel program that I find useful for creating my characters. You can download a copy at:
It seems pretty accurate but I always double check and occasionally have to make manual edits.
Griff Olar |
Thanks Paul& Eric. I've been fiddling with the PC gen program and it is pretty desent, but a little restrictive on the imput that you can use.
I'll take a look at the excel program
once again thanks for your help guys :)
Jyord |
You know, that leng spider encounter totally could have happen on our walk back as a random encounter. Mik's not being there wouldn't have changed the outcome ;)
38k xp please :D
sMik PZ |
I think it was a fun encounter to test the mechanics. Don't think XP's are necessary. It didn't really flow well with the storyline either.
Gunther-1 |
+3 from wisdom base save of +3 misc bonus +2 (sacred tattoo +1 and cloak of resistance +1). Base save total of 8 since he is raging he has superstition +4 with a racial favored class benefit of +3 Bringing a grand total of +15.
Now comes the part you may not like. I only have one trait and it appears that everyone else has two traits. I still need to pick another trait if I am correct. I was about to take the fates favor trait. Which would technically put his will save at +16
So did I save the nasty beasts mind effecting spell and we slayed the mighty beast?
Gunther-1 |
It says nothing about being close to a god as the only requirement that I saw. Gunther believes in the power of Gunther.
As for pre rage will save. Unless he cast a different spell in the suprise round my first non raging save was 14+8=22 14+9=23. So I think he saved regardless.
Eric Sklavos |
It says nothing about being close to a god as the only requirement that I saw. Gunther believes in the power of Gunther.
My mistake. I was thinking of the Will save trait, not the one out of Complete Campaign.
I only have one trait and it appears that everyone else has two traits.
You have Armor Expert and Sacred Tattoo listed as your traits.
with a racial favored class benefit of +3
Out of curiosity, what does this come from?
Gunther-1 |
Dude no worries there is so much material in this series that it is near impossible to remember or memorize each thing in all the book and errata.
Yes sacred tattoo is listed under traits and it has since be revised to more accurately depict which trait it is.
Racial favored class bonus comes from being HALF Orc. The other half being human. So technically it is under the human favored class but since Paizo ruled that half Orc elves whatever are treated as both they can choose from both racial aspects. It is this
Barbarian: Add a +1/2 bonus to trap sense or +1/3 to the bonus from the superstitious rage power.
Griff Olar |
DM? when you get a chance could you list (in the game info) what towers we have discovered, and what they do. I think one might give us a will save bonus, if i remember correctly.
Pretty please 8)
sMik PZ |
I haven't logged into Roll20 in about a week but just went in a couple of hours ago and moved Mik to a nearby tree. I noticed I couldn't click on other players, except for ZAO. No deleting on my end unless my presence scares away the map. {sniff sniff} Maybe it's my odor.
Eric Sklavos |
Roll 20 should be fine. You should only be able to manipulate your own character and ZAO (since Benny hasn't logged into the game I can't assign him to a specific character so I made ZAO available to all characters. It's the Saventh Yhi map that was getting deleted. That uses Google Docs.
Griff Olar |
what god does - Jask Derindi worship
knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24
If he follows a god of government or nobility, I'll ask him if he will help to activate a spire. "It's a good thing really!"
if he doesn't I'll get ZAO, and 50 of his minion's and activate the spire that way.
where is the government district spire
does the camp have a map of what has been explored, and if so Griff will start coping it in his spare time.
Griff will travel at ground level with the rest of the group, but he still has overland flight cast.
Eric Sklavos |
what god does - Jask Derindi worship
Nethys (Knowledge and Magic Domains)
where is the government district spire
The island district.
does the camp have a map of what has been explored, and if so Griff will start coping it in his spare time.
There's a map you can copy. Surprisingly, it looks similar to the Saventh Yhi map linked at the top of the screen.
Jyord |
Slow down there fellas. Benny is coming over today and we're going to get his characters set up.
Eric, what does he have left as far as accepting invites and what-not?
Gunther-1 |
Ok ZAO while reading over your character sheet I noticed a few problems. I will list them here in no real order.
1) Your hit points seem to be a bit to high. You have 97 out of a possible 108. This puts you only 3 points away from GORO who is a HD above yours. You are a D8 HD same as Griff and yet Griff is substantially lower in hit points than you. Griff's second highest stat is CON and your CON is not near his. You missed only 11 points out of the 9 rolls. That means you were closer to a 7 average dice roll than a 4.5 as is the average roll for your character. So you basically rolled all 7 and 8.
2) Your perception seems to be a bit to high as well. I was only able to come up with 17 for a perception score for you yet you have a 22. Just curious where the other 5 points came from.
3) This last section will be about your eidolons. I play summoner in PFS and have had my builds looked over a bunch when I first started playing so I have grow accustom to seeing where the flaws are so to speak. First off it seems you are a brood master which entitles you to a few cool things. First is two eidolons right off the bat. Downside is they are not as strong as one eidolon. You have your little monkey as your reloader for you with the reload feat. Yet the little monkey does not posses the prerequisites for the reload feat(i.e. Exotic weapon proficiency) Your big monkey already has the only 3 feats you are allotted to have. So you have 1 feat to many for your 8th level eidolons. Remember they can only be the total number of summoner levels you are not your cross class. Your little monkey should have a str of 10 not 8. It took me awhile to see that you went quadruped instead of biped. Your Eidolon hit points appear to be off as well. If Eric allows you the full 10 first points then your big monkey would only have a max hp of 55 beause you are only allowed 6HD for your level and you already used 1HD for your little guy. Also remember you have to roll for HP for eidolons just like a character and you get to add your Con bonus. Your BAB is the same as your hit points. Since the little guy has a BAB +1 then that means your big guy can only have +5. This puts your Melee at +8 and range at +9. How does your Big eidolon have a 26 AC? I only count 20 unless he has armor that has not been posted. As for your evolutions, how do you put bleed on a gun when you are not a level 11 gunslinger yet. I know they have the evolution of bleed but that is meant for natural or edged weapons not guns. If you replace bleed and take claws of your little guy (he already has hands if he has arms) than you would have 2 free evolution points. Last thing how does your monkey fire a Double hackbut and not get knocked prone as the description says? Do you have a tripod or other device to set it on? If the summoner and the monkey both fire their guns one of both of you has to get knocked prone and without a thing to place the guns on you take -4 to your shots. Spend those 2 evolution points on keen scent or an immunity.
If you want help redesigning your Eidolons or character I will be more than happy to help you.
Eric Sklavos |
1) Your hit points seem to be a bit to high. You have 97 out of a possible 108. This puts you only 3 points away from GORO who is a HD above yours. You are a D8 HD same as Griff and yet Griff is substantially lower in hit points than you. Griff's second highest stat is CON and your CON is not near his. You missed only 11 points out of the 9 rolls. That means you were closer to a 7 average dice roll than a 4.5 as is the average roll for your character. So you basically rolled all 7 and 8.
2) Your perception seems to be a bit to high as well. I was only able to come up with 17 for a perception score for you yet you have a 22. Just curious where the other 5 points came from.
Benny is pretty good about keeping book. I know he rolled ridiculously well for his HP. Maybe his perception and HP need to be double checked to make sure, maybe not.
3) This last section will be about your eidolons. I play summoner in PFS and have had my builds looked over a bunch when I first started playing so I have grow accustom to seeing where the flaws are so to speak. First off it seems you are a brood master which entitles you to a few cool things. First is two eidolons right off the bat. Downside is they are not as strong as one eidolon. You have your little monkey as your reloader for you with the reload feat. Yet the little monkey does not posses the prerequisites for the reload feat(i.e. Exotic weapon proficiency) Your big monkey already has the only 3 feats you are allotted to have. So you have 1 feat to many for your 8th level eidolons. Remember they can only be the total number of summoner levels you are not your cross class. Your little monkey should have a str of 10 not 8. It took me awhile to see that you went quadruped instead of biped. Your Eidolon hit points appear to be off as well. If Eric allows you the full 10 first points then your big monkey would only have a max hp of 55 beause you are only allowed 6HD for your level and you already used 1HD for your little guy. Also remember you have to roll for HP for eidolons just like a character and you get to add your Con bonus. Your BAB is the same as your hit points. Since the little guy has a BAB +1 then that means your big guy can only have +5. This puts your Melee at +8 and range at +9. How does your Big eidolon have a 26 AC? I only count 20 unless he has armor that has not been posted. As for your evolutions, how do you put bleed on a gun when you are not a level 11 gunslinger yet. I know they have the evolution of bleed but that is meant for natural or edged weapons not guns. If you replace bleed and take claws of your little guy (he already has hands if he has arms) than you would have 2 free evolution points. Last thing how does your monkey fire a Double hackbut and not get knocked prone as the description says? Do you have a tripod or other device to set it on? If the summoner and the monkey both fire their guns one of both of you has to get knocked prone and without a thing to place the guns on you take -4 to your shots. Spend those 2 evolution points on keen scent or an immunity.
I made a couple DM considerations for ZAOs Eidolons for this campaign including the use of a small hackbutt and the allowance of a tiny Eidolon as a reload monkey without needing the prerequisite for the feat (though he still should have one type of firearm for that feat). I'll look into the book keeping for HP and feats as Benny might want to double check as well.
This goes for everyone. If there's an issue with someone else I'd appreciate if it didn't come out in the public forum. I'd rather you PM me first. Let's not attack each other right of the get-go. This isn't a PFS sanctioned campaign and I have made some considerations to accommodate what they want to do. I'll re-read broodmaster to see how it works.
I do appreciate everyone's input and knowledge as we all see things and interpret things differently and I want to encourage that. What I don't want is others to feel like they are being attacked. I understand that wasn't the intention nor do I know out anyone actually read it as such. I just wanted to quash the notion before it got blown out of proportion. Thanks Everyone and let's have fun slaying monsters.
Gunther-1 |
Oh sorry about the public form. I was questioned on the public forum about my build so I figured it was the norm. Since DM has final say I will just stay out of the characters even if they are outside of the rules. I just want it to be fair for everyone playing. Without special privileges.
Benny Aren't |
Zao recently went over a huge overhaul to convert from the Master Summoner archetype, which we deemed too powerful. Some GM allowances were made, but it looks like I have some mistakes to correct too. I've rolled exceptionally well on HP for Zao and that is accurate, due largely to rolls of 1 & 2 not counting I got an 8 on a lot of those. Zao wears a magic item that boosts his Perception by +5, so your math is dead on. Will have to go over and fix the eidolons, I think most of your points were valid. I never read anything about the bleed evolution having to apply to a natural or edged attack. The evolution said choose an attack. Will double check and correct the other items when I have time over the next few nights and offer corrections and explainations as needed. And don't worry about the public forum Gunther. If there are issues, which obviously there are, I'd like to get them fixed.
Eric Sklavos |
As said before I already made my ruling. You guys are half way to 11th level, if it seems to powerful at that point we can change it then. I'm tired. I'm in the process of starting a new job, moving across country, and finding a new house. This is supposed to be an escape for me and it's adding to my stress. ALL points are duly noted and I will keep then in mind as we play.
This discussion is over. Now let's play and have some FUN g&!~@*n it.
I'm still waiting for a few people to place their characters on the map and make perception checks.