Nicos |
2. Talents. Rogues have a very wide field of customisability in this area. including a couple that can give a rogue some very useful spells as Spell-Like Abilities (Message, Vanish, etc.)
7. Mobility.. Acrobatics and Climb again as class kills.
8. Survivability. Evasion and it's big brother Improved Evasion.
haha!, fun story.

thegreenteagamer |
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Anything the rogue can do, the Investigator can do - and better.
1. Re - skills: Investigators get 6+INTmod, but Int is a vital attribute for them due to inspiration, so 9/10 times they will have equal or more skill points than a rogue built with equivalent point buy. Furthermore, using inspiration they will have higher competency in those same skills than the rogue. Also, nearly identical class skills.
2. Re - Talents: Investigators have the equivalent or better to choose from in the form of Investigator Talents.
3. Re - Sneak Attack: while not literally sneak attack, one can redefine sneak attack as situational precision-based bonus damage. The Investigator has this in both studied combat and studied strike. While this is about 1d6 behind sneak attack on average, when you take into account the bonus to attack from studied combat and the ease with which this type of move is set up in comparison to sneak attack, studied strike/combat is just better. One more d6 doesn't mean much if you miss, or can't set it up in the first place.
4. Re - Trapfinding: They pretty much copied and pasted that ability.
5-7. Re - The face, mobility, and stealth: Look at the Investigator's class skills. Look at Inspiration. Better than a rogue.
8. Re - Survivability: Same hit dice, same armor proficiency, same fort and reflex saves, better will save. An argument could be made that the Investigator does not get evasion or improved, but reflex based damage spells are the least threatening of spells in the game - fort or will or even reflex based non-damaging spells are much more of a threat, so while evasion is definitely nice to have, it isn't as major of an asset for survivability as, say, alchemy...which the Investigator gets.
I don't LIKE that it's true, but the entire rogue package falls before the Investigator at literally everything the rogue does well.