Item usage?


Are there any archtypes, spells, races, classes/prestige classes or anything else that improves a character's usage of items?

I'm not talking about UMD, I'm talking about grappling hooks, block and tackle, fishhooks, soap, chalk, the works.

I've been thinking for a while about making a MacGuyver-esque character who primarily uses adventuring gear to fight/maneuver their way out of situations.

Is this anywhere near being a viable idea? It seems wasteful to have the Ultimate Equipment book full of obscure adventuring gear and never using it...

Pathfinder Chronicler comes to mind but that's only to happen to have the right item at the right time and carry more.

Nothing about enhancing the use of items that I know of.

To me most of the adventuring gear stuff is for flavor more than actual use use you are playing a super hard way campaign, which I never have.

The Pathfinder Field Guide has some equipment trick feats. That are semi-interesting.
I tried to do something similar and used fighter so he could afford to try some of those feats. The problem is they are almost completely a waste of time once you get access to some pretty minor magics. So I ended up retraining out all of them since they became useless.

I don't know for sure, but the only way they seem like they might be long term useful is if it was a low magic campaign and/or E6.

Pretty much any character with extradimensional containers crammed with a wide array of mundane equipment can pull off this concept. Really, the only things holding you back is how much stuff you can carry, how much you're willing to spend to acquire all this stuff and how well you know the rules for each item you're carrying and how each might be exploited to maximum benefit. You have to be the type of player who, when presented with an obstacle, can mentally review his inventory and quickly conceptualize how that stuff might be used to overcome the obstacle. If you have trouble coming up with clever solutions in real life, you'll probably be disappointed in the character.

The other possible hiccup is if your GM is not receptive to the idea. Those who don't appreciate offbeat ways of dealing with obstacles might not support your character concept. Some GMs prefer to have their obstacles be insurmountable as a means of keeping the PCs on a linear path that they've plotted out beforehand. Proposing ways of knocking down those obstacles can push that sort of GM into a panic and they'll instinctively shut down your clever plans as a way to maintain the plot. Of course not all GMs are like this, but it's something to keep in mind.

There are a few feats, traits, class abilities and racial abilities peppered throughout game that somehow incorporate the use of mundane equipment. I imagine most are too focused on a specific piece of equipment to be generally useful for the sort of know-it-all character you're aiming for however. Maybe I'm wrong on that count though.

As I said, pretty much any character can be a gadget master if he's got enough equipment on hand, but a few races and classes seem better geared (heh heh) to embody the concept. Dwarves and Gnomes seem best suited to be gadgeteers. Classwise, I'd say the Investigator has "MacGyver" written all over it, with the Sleuth archetype further bolstering the improvisation angle nicely.

My 2¢.

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