martinaj |

The Pathfinder SRD says that a skald's raging song lasts "for that ally's turn or until the song ends," and my GM is insisting that this means they gain no benefit from the song when it is NOT that turn, meaning that they gain no benefit from the boosted will save or the effects of the extra con (increased fort saves, hit points), or things like the superstition power.
I am inclined to disagree, as it specifically says "allies gain a bonus to will saves" and the very fact of Greater Skald's Vigor's existence. and he says that for it to work that way, I need to show him something concrete. Has there been any clarification on this? Can someone show me where?
EDIT: Also, can I grant powers I have gained from the Extra Rage Power feat to my allies?

Chess Pwn |

It's because at the beginning of each turn they can choose to accept the song or not. So if they accept the song it lasts for that ally's turn, until it hits them again in combat, they can't choose to stop it mid turn. But when it's their turn again they can choose to get the benefits for another round or not. But if the Bard stops singing then it'll stop.

Castilonium |

You cannot grant rage powers you've gained from the Extra Rage Power feat to allies.
"If the skald has rage powers from another source, he (but not his allies) can use those rage powers during an inspired rage. He cannot select a duplicate rage power, unless that rage power can be taken multiple times."
Extra Rage Power is "another source."