Controlling undead above your HD


I'm in a campaign where the team is off into Castle Dracula.
While the rest is merrily all for undead slaying, there's me the Gravewalker witch, which (pun unintended) can enslave undead to her will.
However the specific ability, Bonethrall says the witch can control up to 1 HD per lvl.

Are there ways to increase that limit?
Since it'd be neat to assume control of a stronger undead to use as a meatshield/servant.


Control undead or command undead spell. If you have any way of using those, they're your best bet.

In 3.5, there were several items/feats/classes to increase the amount of Undead you could control (via Control Undead or Animate Undead). However, in Pathfinder, the system is less about creating/controlling undead than it is about positive/negative energy damage, and hasn't done anything to increase this power, that I've found. I'd say to remember that there's "control undead" type affects, and there is animated undead you create. They are two separate pools of HD.

True, but my actual aim for asking was how to go beyond the lvl limit, so to control single a undead that exceed my own level.

Example: i'm lvl 5 currently, a way to control a single undead that is say, lvl 6 or 7 in HD.

Sovereign Court

If you do have a cleric buddy, desecrate spell will be your friend with the spell animate dead, beside that...yeah that's pretty much it.

Haha, no i'm the only one who'd be lenient to evil tendencies, despite wellmeant goals.

But thanks for the replies.

There's the Undead Master feat from the Ultimate Magic (I think) which increases your effective caster level by 4. There's also the Dhampir favored class bonus for cleric which increases your effective level by 1 for feats that channel energy to command or turn undead. Racial heritage can stretch that to a couple other races, but those are the only things I know that work

Undead Controlling: Undead controlling armor or shields often have skeletal or other grisly decorations or flourishes to their decor. They let the user control up to 26 HD of undead per day, as the control undead spell. At dawn each day, the wearer loses control of any undead still under his sway. Armor or a shield with this ability appears to be made of bone; this feature is entirely decorative and has no other effect on the armor.

Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, control undead; Price +49,000 gp.

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