"Heart of the Slums" Alternate Racial Trait Question

Rules Questions

The Heart of the Slums Alternate Racial Trait for humans from Advanced Race Guide says, "They gain a +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks, and a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks in urban and underground settings."

Clearly the +4 bonus only applies in urban and underground settings.

But do the +2 bonuses apply in all settings or just in urban and underground settings?



I believe the +2 applies to all settings, otherwise it would similarly have "in urban and underground settings" tacked onto the end of it, or at very least a second comma after "checks," or no commas at all.

Thank you for this.

Anyone else have an opinion?

Anyone from Paizo?


Liberty's Edge

You will most likely not get direct interaction. They tend to avoid doing that on random posts, as it tends to create more problems than it solves.

For this post, you would indeed get the +2 universally. It makes sense, with those skill being honed while living in seedy locations growing up. Those skills would be useful surviving as a child and those skills learned would apply to all situations where being sneaky and snagging stuff applies.

I agree with Broadhand. If there were no comma, it would parse differently.

Thanks Shar (and Cthulhudrew),

I'm sort of a newb at asking rules questions. Is there a more appropriate way to submit a rules question to Paizo?


Liberty's Edge

By all means, post any questions you have here. There are a large number of seasoned Pathfinder GMs and players that are quite knowledgeable about the rules.

It is basically more community run process with explaining rules most of the time. If there is something ambiguous and unclear, then all folks with such concern will hit the FAQ button on the top right of a particular post. If enough people show concern, then their rules team puts it on their plate for looking closer in to. In general, if there are many folks giving consensus, then that can be used as a answered concern. The Paizo staff don't generally respond directly here. At time, you may get a writer chime in with their intent, but that is about it. The FAQ button is your comm link to the development team


So I have a follow up question folks,

The advantege to disease effect, does it also apply on magical disease ?


Silver Crusade

Took me a second to remember that they call the roll twice and take best roll abilities in 5the "Advantage".

Yes, the Heart of the Slums roll twice ability would work on all diseases, magical or otherwise.

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