How do I join the Pathfinder Society?

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge

I played my first Pathfinder game today. It was fun. I liked the group a lot.

Next Sunday, they will be playing Pathfinder Society.

The DM for next week gave me an idea of what this is about, and I was told to register on this site.

Please let me know how. Thank you.

If you look down on the left side of the web site, bellow the PAIZOCON2015 logo, you will eventually find a heading labled "Pathfinder Society". There you will find links where you can register, or just about anything else you will need to get started.

Dataphiles 3/5

You should see several Pathfinder logos on the left of your screen. Click the Pathfinder Society logo. After that there is a link in purple colored font under the introductory paragraphs that says "Join and create your character."

Basically all you need is a Pathfinder Society number and a character created out of a 20 point build which is explained on page 16 of the Core Rulebook.

I hope that helps.

Grand Lodge


I now have a registration number.

I'll make a character soon. I appreciate the help!

Dataphiles 3/5

No problem! Welcome to Pathfinder Society (PFS)!

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Make sure that you download and read the Guide to Organised play, it's in the Player's Resources section.

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