Monkey Style Monk + Vexing Dodger Rogue for Giantslayer?


Monkey Style and Vexing Dodger seems like a peanut butter and chocolate combo, or am I missing something? 3 levels of Monk and the rest in rogue. Interested in suggestions or slaps to the face to make me see reason.

It seems like it would work pretty well accept for the fact that limb climber never states you move into their square. It seems like a pretty straight forward piece of logic that if you are climbing on them you have moved into their square, but its not explicitly stated so its up for debate.

Scarab Sages

You'll want to play something with a climb speed if at all possible for the +8 racial bonus to climb checks. You'll need it since your climb checks are against the creatures CMD.

Sovereign Court

It's okay - but neither is very good on its own. So - you're taking two pretty bad things which combo into being pretty okay. (Very cool combo - but still not that great.)

If you want to do it - try it as a grippli. (climb speed, +2 dex & wis - 30ft move speed while small - yes please)

Scarab Sages

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Also, I'm loathe to suggest it since I hate the archetype, but a two level dip in Master of Many Styles will help get Monkey Shine early.

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