Adventure Card Guild Open

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Great news. I'll pass it along.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Hmmm, Might have to see what I can track down for the Runelords set then... This sounds EPIC.

Grand Lodge

SetonAlandel wrote:
Hmmm, Might have to see what I can track down for the Runelords set then... This sounds EPIC.

Don't forget, it sounds like you need one of everything just for one table. (One RotR, one S&S, one WotR and one of each class deck.) The end of the open will have one or more tables competing at the same time. (I guess you could run them sequentially and time them, though.) I am not sure on the details.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

For clarification, you need a couple cards, not one of every deck per table.

You do need all three main sets, including not yet released parts of Wrath.

Keith Richmond wrote:

For clarification, you need a couple cards, not one of every deck per table.

You do need all three main sets, including not yet released parts of Wrath.

The point was that, because cards come from all over and you need a specific set of them, you're unlikely to be able to play two games at the same time from the same "set". (I don't know that for sure; only you do until you publish it. ;)


There is loot used. Loot only comes one to a box generally

Also some villains, maybe a ship or 2.

There's that picture of me with both the eye and breath of Dagon. (Thankfully we don't have duplicates of those)

Pathfinder ACG Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Keith Richmond wrote:

For clarification, you need a couple cards, not one of every deck per table.

You do need all three main sets, including not yet released parts of Wrath.

Hmm, apparently I accidentally deleted the word "class" before not one of every deck per table.

Almost every card is obtained from the three main sets. Of course, I encourage you to own every class deck, anyways. Because they're awesome, not because the Open needs them all.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Sorry to bump an ancient thread, but I'm really interested in seeing the Open as it debuted last year. Partially because I'm trying to 'scope it out' before I play it at Paizocon. Don't judge me!

Is it still planned for a public release?

Grand Lodge

I wouldn't expect to see it before PaizoCon at this point. Being less than two weeks away until Seattle.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

I'm pretty sure we won't get a public release until after Mummy's Mask comes out, since it involves cards from that set.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Oh, last year's Open contained cards from Mummy's Mask? I was unaware. Sorry for the confusion!

Scarab Sages

No last year's was runelords, shackles, and righteous it didn't include any mummy's mask cards.

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