Rasief |

I've been working around a lvl 20 barbarian for a campaign and I have two questions.
1. Does a +5 furious weapon count as a +7 weapon while in rage despite the +5 limit?
2. I know that by RAW rage cycling is perfectly legal since both start and end a rage are free actions; but is there any 'official' statement that proves that it is not just a side effect based on an uninteded rule?

Rasief |

2. They also get it for free at 17 with tireless rage, so I see not reason why it would not be intended.
Thanks for your answer, I'm aware of tireless rage, it's just my GM can be a bit picky sometimes so I want to have enough arguments just un case.
Any other oppinion or reference?

wraithstrike |

wraithstrike wrote:2. They also get it for free at 17 with tireless rage, so I see not reason why it would not be intended.Thanks for your answer, I'm aware of tireless rage, it's just my GM can be a bit picky sometimes so I want to have enough arguments just un case.
Any other oppinion or reference?
If the base class gets it for free, and Paizo did not put a limit on it, then there is no way to say they see it as a bad thing.
There are other ways to rage cycle too.
I think your GM just does not like it, but in that case he should say so instead of trying to find a way in the rules to get around it.
PS: I do understand how some see it as cheesy so you might want to not do it too much if it annoys him.

Rasief |

Looking at the rage description in the Core Rulebook I found something that can justify the rage cycle as something that was in the mind of the developers:
"... A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat."
Regarding the +5 furious weapon as a +7 weapon while in rage is there any clarification out there?