A Change to the AR List for Guns

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge

I thought the Additional Resources List for Ultimate Combat, under EQUIPMENT, said "The double hackbut and culverin on Table 3-4 and advanced firearms on Table 3-5 and are not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play."

Now it says, "The double hackbut, culverin AND ANY ADVANCED FIREARMS on Table 3-4 and advanced firearms on Table 3-5 and are not permitted in Pathfinder Society Organized Play."

Are some of the other Table 3-4 "Early Firearms" now advanced, and if so, which ones? I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything hinky here.


Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Jack, after taking a look at both charts in Ultimate Combat and if I had to venture a guess, I think that there was an oversight in the attempt to shorten the restriction. There did not appear to be any advanced firearms on 3-4 so I would have to say that the Double Hackbut, Culverin, and all of Table 3-5 (Advanced Firearms) are not allowed. I did not see anywhere in the chapter that firearms on table 3-4 became Advanced Firearms. Hope this helps and if anyone has anything different, I would love to know this as well.

Same question came into my head. I believe Preston is correct though, Double Hackbut, Culverin, and all of Table 3-5 (Advanced Firearms) are not allowed.

My son wants to create and play a Gun Tank with a Blunderbuss.

The Exchange 5/5

Klaive wrote:

Same question came into my head. I believe Preston is correct though, Double Hackbut, Culverin, and all of Table 3-5 (Advanced Firearms) are not allowed.

My son wants to create and play a Gun Tank with a Blunderbuss.

I'm a GunTank with a dragon pistol (plan to buy a second).

Welcome to the club!

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