Aubster |

Can you save the world? Can you stay alive? Can you keep your sanity???
I'm running the wonderful, classic CoC campaign 'Masks of Nyarlathotep.' I'm looking for a couple of foolish...I mean brave, investigators to explore the awful truths that lie beneath the surface of their pitiful existence.
The time - Roaring 20's...jazz, flappers, Gatsby, speak-easys and horror.
The place - Your adventure will start in New York City but you'll have a chance to see the world (before it is destroyed). The Investigators are now in London, having just finished New York.
The goal - Fun
The rules - Savage Worlds + Realms of Cthulhu Setting
The requirements - You never need to have played Savage Worlds before (we can work through that as it is not a complicated system). You don't need to be familiar with the Lovecraft Mythos (but it doesn't hurt). You do though need to agree to post regularly (once a day would be great but a few times a week works). You need to be ready to say goodbye to you beloved investigator as mortality will be high (we'll work on how to have backups ready to go).
What to do...if you're interested just say so and come up with a character archetype and a reason why you're in London....archetypes can be almost anything from entertainer to athlete to detective to criminal to professor to hobo, etc., etc...if you have a reason to be that in London that's good enough...

Aubster |

While I am only interested if certain other games fall through, i am curious if the Savage Worlds section of Achtung! Cthulhu would be useful.
Yes, in the sense that Achtung! Cthulhu uses the Realms of Cthulhu expansion to Savage Worlds which I'm using for this campaign. So, if you've played A!C then this campaign would have the same general rules.