PFS: Building Sergeant Cortez


Grand Lodge

I recently levelled up a tetori monk that I had changed over from an investigator, which I felt played too much like an alchemist I already had. This leaves me still feeling confident in making another character for PFS, and I thought of an idea that I was incredibly amused by.

Sergeant Cortez, from Timesplitters: Future Perfect Be advised, the video has spoilers.

The disjointed, seemingly random locations bound by a singular character pursuing their own goals, allying with random strangers, just fits so thematically with my Pathfinder Society experience, and having a character whose backstory explicitly builds off of and pokes fun at this is something I find enticing.

The issue: I have no idea how to build him mechanically. I've considered a basic gunslinger with a monk dip for some hand-to-hand, a conjuration (teleportation) wizard, and a summoner whose eidolon is his past/future self.

Access to a familiar to call "Anya" would be a bonus, either through typical means or eldritch heritage.

Grand Lodge

Nothing? Dang, and people always talk about how much of a blast they had with that game when I bring it up. Bumping this once and then letting it die.

Ms. Pleiades wrote:

I recently levelled up a tetori monk that I had changed over from an investigator, which I felt played too much like an alchemist I already had. This leaves me still feeling confident in making another character for PFS, and I thought of an idea that I was incredibly amused by.

Sergeant Cortez, from Timesplitters: Future Perfect Be advised, the video has spoilers.

The disjointed, seemingly random locations bound by a singular character pursuing their own goals, allying with random strangers, just fits so thematically with my Pathfinder Society experience, and having a character whose backstory explicitly builds off of and pokes fun at this is something I find enticing.

The issue: I have no idea how to build him mechanically. I've considered a basic gunslinger with a monk dip for some hand-to-hand, a conjuration (teleportation) wizard, and a summoner whose eidolon is his past/future self.

Access to a familiar to call "Anya" would be a bonus, either through typical means or eldritch heritage.

You could also take the new feat in Familiar Folio that gives you a familiar, or mayybe take a level in sorcerer for a bloodline familiar

Grand Lodge

What's the name of the feat?

Obtain Familiar.

Also usually it's considered bad form to bump inside of 12 hours.

Grand Lodge

I've searched d20PFSRD, google and Archives of Nethys with no results. Can I please get a link to the mechanics of this feat? Or a quote?

That's because I gave the wrong name:

Familiar Bond

Has an improved version too.

Obtain familiar was the 3.5 feat that did the same thing.

You'll need Iron will for Familiar bond

Gah, to bed I shall go.

Grand Lodge

Thank you! Iron Will is a much better prerequisite to handle for a few different builds.

Iron Will, Familiar Bond and likely improved familiar to have a familiar that can speak.

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