Problem with reporting a PFS event

Website Feedback

I think i broke something while reporting.
In PFS event 49131 session 25 I apparently did not correctly delete a session. Now the session is still visible in the session listing but without a GM and i cannot edit it. If i try to edit it i get a blank sheet and trying to fill that and saving it creates a duplicate session with every player being marked as having already played that event.

is it possible for seomone from IT to either totally delete that session or recreate it so far that i can access it?

Technology Manager

GrayYeti, looking at the event I see session 25 as having a GM (schattenstern) and six players, running Emerald Spire level 1. It looks correctly configured to me.

Ok, my problem is that i cannot edit that session.
Trying to edit it brings up an empty reporting screen like for not yet reported event.

And in my session tab the line for the gm is missing.

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