Archpaladin Zousha |
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Generally speaking on Golarion lighter-colored hair and skin comes from Ulfen influence. Kellids, Taldans and other such ethnicities tend towards darker hair, with it lightening as you move further north to the Kellids and Ulfen, though I don't think I've seen Kellids with red hair in illustrations.
In addition, red hair is a trait that apparently appears among Varisians as well, as it's mentioned that any hair color that appears naturally among humans can be found among them.
Finally, there are red-haired Chelaxians as well, as part of the Ulfen influence on their traits (Chelaxians are descended from intermingling Taldan and Ulfen bloodlines). It's specifically mentioned that red hair is viewed by superstitious Chelaxians as an indication that the child's bloodline has infernal heritage and tends to be a badge of pride associated with sorcerers. Whether the red-head IS a sorcerer or not, and whether they do have blood-ties to Hell, rarely occurs to such people.
No word on which ethnicities freckles commonly occur among.