Alchemists and witches....oh my

Rules Questions

There is a rule that arcanists cannot learn spells from a divine scroll. My GM referenced this from some where. Alchemists and Witches are arcane "Casters" (yes I know Alchemists don't technically cast) with spells that are usually divine on their spell list.

Does the rule about not crossing the streams apply to arcane classes that have typically divine spells on there spell list?

Can a witch or alchemist learn the cure serious spell from a divine scroll?


I as a GM and a player would say not because divine spells focus on the energy of the gods and as such would contain rituals and prayers, while arcane scrolls have different things on them. The only way I would let this go is if your character is a dedicated follower of the god of the writer of the scroll. And I mean dedicated. You must have a holy symbol, pray to him often, donate some money to church every once in a while, and so on.

As a DM I would allow a PC to learn a spell from any source provided it was on their class spell list. May not be RAW, but unless it is PFS, RAW is not binding in a home game (in my opinion).

Check with your DM/GM is your best bet.

Liberty's Edge

A caster that learns spells from scrolls can only use that ability to learn spells that are already on their spell list. If not already on their spell list they would be unable to use or learn a spell from a scroll of, for example, Cure Light Wounds, and whether it was arcane or divine is irrelevant.

EDIT: I don't believe arcane/divine is ever relevant to learning the spell from a scroll, actually.

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