Languages in Irrisen

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Anyone have an idea on what languages would be spoken among the Jadwiga of Irrisen? I plan on playing a brawler who's parents are exiled Jadwiga and was just wondering.

Hallit and Skald are the primary languages of Irrisen, per the Inner Sea World Guide.

Shadow Lodge

Agreed, Hallit and Skald.
I'd also say Sylvan and Giant aren't too far behind given their non-human allies.

Grand Lodge

I was thinking that for my Jadwiga characters, I would affect a Russian accent and speak a combination of both English and Russian words as my approximation of Common. Because they are descendants of Baba Yaga, I like to imagine that the Jadwiga are Slavs who came to Irrisen. I give Jadwiga characters and NPCs Slavic names.

TritonOne wrote:
I was thinking that for my Jadwiga characters, I would affect a Russian accent and speak a combination of both English and Russian words as my approximation of Common. Because they are descendants of Baba Yaga, I like to imagine that the Jadwiga are Slavs who came to Irrisen. I give Jadwiga characters and NPCs Slavic names.

Yeah, her name will be Russian, I was just looking for a good language thet she and her parents most likely spoke around the home, I decided to go with Skald

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