Trunau question...


This question is not trying to call out on a plot-hole, just to fill in the gap in my own knowledge. Trunau and the other settlements went up while the Hordeline was still holding. Rich land and manifest destiny being the draw for people to live out in such a dangerous region. After the hordeline falls, everyone but Trunau flees.

It says in the player's guide and the Towns of the Inner Sea that some of the income Trunau generates is from salvaging items "left behind" at the abandoned settlements. My question is, how valuable would this stuff be? Mostly farming implements, no large towns were described, things still being sparsely populated due to the "Horde Shadow". If any magic item/treasure is out there, i'd figure it was stuff the orcs drug out of the dwarven cities. Or are there other ancient settlements still around that area from before?

Grand Lodge Contributor

Devastation Bob wrote:

This question is not trying to call out on a plot-hole, just to fill in the gap in my own knowledge. Trunau and the other settlements went up while the Hordeline was still holding. Rich land and manifest destiny being the draw for people to live out in such a dangerous region. After the hordeline falls, everyone but Trunau flees.

It says in the player's guide and the Towns of the Inner Sea that some of the income Trunau generates is from salvaging items "left behind" at the abandoned settlements. My question is, how valuable would this stuff be? Mostly farming implements, no large towns were described, things still being sparsely populated due to the "Horde Shadow". If any magic item/treasure is out there, i'd figure it was stuff the orcs drug out of the dwarven cities. Or are there other ancient settlements still around that area from before?

I'm very interested in the answer too, and I'm sure we'll find out pretty goshdarned soon!

Also, I'd like to throw in how the dwarf and half-orc lesbian relationship raises eyebrows when it's stated that the people of Trunau don't judge on relationships, life being as dangerous as it is, and finding what happiness you can.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Devastation Bob wrote:
Also, I'd like to throw in how the dwarf and half-orc lesbian relationship raises eyebrows when it's stated that the people of Trunau don't judge on relationships, life being as dangerous as it is, and finding what happiness you can.

Yes, but it seems to mostly be in the context of "what crazy thing is Agrit up to now?"

Devastation Bob wrote:
Also, I'd like to throw in how the dwarf and half-orc lesbian relationship raises eyebrows when it's stated that the people of Trunau don't judge on relationships, life being as dangerous as it is, and finding what happiness you can.

The two are not mutually exclusive. One can raise an eyebrow or be surprised at something because it is unusual without judging it to be right or wrong.

Or the eyebrow could be raised and an "Oh myyyy" that would make George Takei proud could be on their minds, if not their lips ;)

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