Avoron |
There are some other low level spells that can be effective against martials of all levels who fail their Will saves:
Charm Person
Hideous Laughter
Murderous Command
These are especially dangerous if they are made persistent.
At higher levels, also watch out for greater forbid action; unlike greater command, this allows only a single save.
chaoseffect |
Are there bad will save spells that aren't mind-affecting or enchantment? Because if these are all the bad ones then getting a boost just against those is about as good as a straight will save boost.
Yeah most of the "deadliest" will save spells do tend to be mind-affecting, but note that creatures can have some will effects that can mess you up while lacking the mind-affecting tag. A Cap of the Free Thinker is an awesome item for pretty much any martial to have though.
DinosaursOnIce |
Glitterdust (conjuration) is a will save, you get a save every round but being blinded really sucks. I've seen low level Wizards trivialize a group of "bad will save" enemies with it.
Though, and I might be wrong, a lot of the spells that make your low-will save fighter dangerous to the party are mostly enchantment.
MechE_ |
Euphoric Tranquility. It's an 8th level spell, so it take a bit to come online, but it takes a single creature (character) out of the combat without a save. If you get attacked (enemy strikes you or an ally slaps you to snap you out of it), then you get a will save and if you make it, you're free - for a single round. Real nasty spell - Dispel magic is about the only counter.
tonyz |
Besides what's already mentioned, cause fear and fear (both necromancy school) can be very nasty. They don't kill anyone directly, but they have the potential to split the party and last for many rounds -- if the fighter runs away for five rounds, and then has to spend five rounds getting back in the fight, that's a long time for the rest of the party to stand up against those same enemies!
An appropriately worded suggestion (another enchantment) can easily neutralize a foe -- "drink this glass" which is full of paralyzing stuff, "walk over into the corner" which has a carpet covering a spiked pit, "run away and get help", and many other things.
Yes, enchantments are the vast majority of Very Bad Will-save effects, but just guarding against charms and compulsions isn't enough.
Veltharis |
My current PFS "main" has routinely made good use of Murderous Command and Hold Person. She's a CHA-based caster (oracle, specifically) presently rocking a +8 modifier and Spell Focus (enchantment), putting her DCs in the "19 and up" range - though she was never really built as an enchantment "specialist" and they could be made higher.
As a few examples:
I also got an archer in the back half of the cavern shortly afterwards, but he died before getting a shot off...
I seem to recall literally spending my standard action to smirk when the drow both failed their saves in the last round. :p
Fruian Thistlefoot |
Early levels:
Sleep, Color Spray, Command, Murderous Command, Daze, Glitterdust
Mid Levels:
Suggestion, Confusion, Fear, Deep slumber, Hold person, Terrible Remorse, Bestow Curse, Phantasmal Killer
High Levels:
Dominate Person, Magic Jar, Greater Bestow Curse, Insanity,
Most will utterly end you on a failed save...others give multiple chances but if its paired with persistent spell then good luck.