Red Hand Doom Conversion


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It's probably obvious, but just in case - HEREIN LIE SPOILERS!

So I am porting Red Hand of Doom to Pathfinder, because it's a great module and I want to run it with my next group. I am aware that there's another thread with a complete PDF, but I want to try my own hand at this (and I discovered the above link way too late to give up). My conversion follows the format of the official Web Enhancement for RHoD in that all creatures are listed in order of their appearance. A complete version with tables sortey by CR will follow.

A few things of note:

hp: I like giving average hp, rounded up. At least in my games this often causes opponents to last one round longer without really increasing their CR or power level. If you want to back to standard hp, just subtract (number of HD x 0,5) from a creature's hp total.

Magic Items: A few magic items didn't make the official transition from 3.5 to Pathfinder (like amulets of health or cloaks of charisma) but I kept them anyway because nothing I've seen so far would unbalance the game any more than existing character options, and it makes things a bit more interesting for experienced players.

Here is a PDF for Chapter 1: The Witchwood.

I included statistics for all creatures, even those you can find in one of the Bestiaries, to reduce bookkeeping. The only exception to this is the random encounter table for the Witchwood, but I hyperlinked all its entries to the official PRD for your convenience.

The project is pretty much finished on my end, and I'll release it chapter by chapter to make bug-fixing a bit more easy. If you find any errors, I'd appreciate feedback!

Got a few responses so far, thanks to everyone!

A revised version is on the way, now with some more mathhammering and also complete information about race/class for each creature.

Anyone with an idea as to which class the Kulkor Zul Mindbenders should have for Chapter 2? I have most entries ready for publishing, but I can't seem to find a good class or archetype here...

It's interesting that responses to date have been 'behind the scenes'. I was initially concerned such excellent conversion work wasn't being publically acknowledged (and hence spur you on to complete the project) but clearly I needn't have worried. :)

Thank you for the praise. Yeah, I'm a bit surprised as well but I got a few responses via my blog, and an updated version of chapter 1 is in the works, with chapter 2 coming somewhere this weekend.

Silver Crusade

You could just make the Kulkor Zul mindbenders bards. Bard 8 or 9 gets Dominate Person which is really a step up from the abilities they get from the mindbender class. They also get a variety of other nifty abilities. An archetype would help distinguish them from regular bards, but while Thundercaller seems ideal for Ulwai (in chp 3), I don't see any archetypes that make a bard more suited to being a mindbender. (A selfish bard archetype like archaeologist might force them to rely on non-bard tactics and give them a bit of additional durability but the flavor is wrong). Spell selection, feat selection, and tactics would probably be enough to distinguish the mindbenders from normal bards.

I did a conversion of this a while back, though nothing as nice. And I definitely did make the Mindbender just a straight bard.

It worked quite well.

The dragons were where I ended up sinking most of my time, and I believe the party was 1 level higher than the suggested levels, so in my conversion I bumped up every enemy by a level or so, also, I did enjoy bumping most the dragons to the next age category that made them just that much bigger.

It made the campaign feel even more epic.

Also, instead of using favored soul, I do see here in my notes that I made Havrek a battle Oracle. With his revelation to re-roll saves on the SoD or SoS spells, he was a force to be reckoned with.


Just looked over what you've done. I really like it. I did my conversion before the ACG, and Ultimate Combat, but I think bloodrager and specifically the Samurai choice for the blade bearer and berserkers is such an on point choice.

Silver Crusade

I've been playing around with stats--battle oracle was my initial thought for Havrek, but I like the Inquisitor version I've done up better than my battle oracle version. If I could figure out a domain or inquisition that gave him Dragon's Breath or something similar as a 8th level ability, he would be almost a perfect flavor match for the original (but Pathfinderized and dramatically improved in terms of butt-kicking ability).

Thanks for the feedback, guys!
A revised version of chapter 1 will go online in a few days, together with chapter 2 and chapter 3 (had a nasty PC crash that threw me back a little). I'm in the process of eliminating typos and formatting errors, content itself is 100% finished.

@Elder Basiliks: bards for mindbenders was exactly what I was thinking at first, but I was (still am) unsure if that's really the best way and I went with two versions in the end. See for yourself when its online :)

@CE Chef: Thanks! If you have any other observations to share about PF peculiarities in the context of RHoD, please let me know!

As for Hravek Kharn, I made two version of him: one a bloodrager, the other an inquisitor. Both fit the "melee boss with some extra tricks" meme but look very differently in play. Battle oracle would be another good idea, but unless people start shouting at me I think I'll leave my Hravel as-is - or if you share a complete writeup, I'll just put in in the PDF (with proper credits, of course).
Regarding the breath weapon, I simply ignored RAW when giving it to Azar Khul. I made that fact clear in the little writeup accompanying him, but I think this is one of those cases where simply ignoring an inconvenient rule is preferable to dumpster-diving through the entire PRD in search of a legal way to get a good breath weapon. If a player really flips his cheerios over this, so be it.

Silver Crusade

Kharn and Saarvith writeups:

I want to like Kharn as a battle oracle but his saves are terrible--even with a boatload of re-rolls--and his actual combat power even fully buffed pales next to the Inquisitor version. He is more versatile than the Inquisitor and can use spells to attack ineffectively if he wants to. He also has better self-healing capability and Ironskin so he should be able to stand up to hit point damage better (not that the Inquisitor version is a glass cannon--he's not especially with the persistence inquisition for some emergency swift action healing and status removal). The Inquisitor version gains the ability to be a passable ranged combatant if he doesn't want to be the guy to charge first.

Saarvith's bolt ace version loses a few skills and an animal companion but becomes an actual dangerous ranged combatant.

Male hobgoblin oracle of battle 11
LE Medium monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +5 (roll three times and take the best); Senses darkvision 60 ft. low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 27, touch 12, flat-footed 26 (+11 armor, +4 shield, +1 dex, +1 deflection )
hp 121 (11d8+55)(+11hp Favored Class)
Resist fire 5
Fort +8 (+3 class, +3 con, +2 resistance), Ref +6 (+3 class, +1 dex, +2 resistance), Will +9 (+7 class,+2 resistance)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares);
Melee +1 wounding heavy pick +14/+9 (1d6+6 plus 1 con/ x4)
Str 18/20, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +8/+3; CMB +13; CMD 24
Feats: Toughness (1), Improved Initiative (3), Battle Cry (swift, +1 morale bonus atk, +4 saves vs fear to all allies w/in 30 ft; end as a free action to re-roll a failed save) (5), heavy armor proficiency (7), martial weapon proficiency: heavy pick (9), Quicken Spell (11)
Skills: Diplomacy +7 (1r): Intimidate +16 (11 r), Knowledge: Engineering +5 (2r), Knowledge: History +4 (1r) Knowledge: Religion +8 (5r), Perception: +8 (5r) Perform: oratory: +8 (5r) Profession Soldier +8 (5 r), Ride +5 (1r), Sense Motive +8 (5 r)
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal
Spells (Domains: Evil, Strength) 7/7/6/6/4 Known: 9/5/5/4/3/2
5th (DC 17) -mass inflict light wounds, righteous might(m), spell resistance, wall of stone
4th (DC 16) – air walk, cure critical wounds, freedom of movement, inflict critical wounds, wall of fire(m)
3rd (DC 15) – dispel magic ,inflict serious wounds, magic circle against good, magic vestment(m), prayer, wind wall
2nd (DC 14) – bear’s endurance, cure moderate wounds, death knell, Fog Cloud(m), inflict moderate wounds, resist energy, silence
1st (DC 13) – divine favor, enlarge person(m), entropic shield, inflict light wounds, remove fear, sanctuary, shield of faith
0 (DC 12) – create water, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink, read magic, stabilize
+2 red dragoncraft full plate,* +2 heavy steel shield, +1 wounding heavy pick*, Belt of Giant Strength+2,
cloak of resistance +2, ring of protection +1, 1 scroll of cure critical wounds, potion of heroism, potion of lesser restoration, potion of fly, potion of haste
Revelations: Iron Skin DR 10/adamantine as stoneskin 1/day; Battlefield Clarity Reroll a failed saving throw that causes you to be blind, deaf, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, or stunned with a +4 insight bonus (2/day), Combat Healer. Quicken cure spells by expending two spell slots 2/day; War Sight: always act in the surprise round (last if you fail to notice the ambush); roll initiative three times and take the best result. or weapon mastery.
Curse: Lame: Speed is 20 ft but is never reduced due to encumbrance and is never reduced by armor. Immune to fatigued
Red Dragoncraft Full Plate: resist 5 fire. Treat as medium armor, -4 skill penalty.

Tactics: Precast: Death knell (+1 clvl, +1d8 temp hp, +2 enh str), shield of faith (+4 with deathknell boost), magic vestment (+3 with deathknell boost) on armor and shield), freedom of movement, spell resistance (SR 24), air walk, potentially resist energy if the PCs use a particular type. AC 32 (33 w/haste)
In combat.
1. Swift: War cry, wall of fire (2d6+12 no save) or mass-inflict light wounds (1d8+12 DC 17 for ½);
2. Assuming the PCs engaged him: Swift: Quickened divine favor, full attack (+18/+13 1d6+9 +1 con; +19/+19/+14 with haste from a potion or an ally);
3. Quickened cure critical wounds+Full attack

Male hobgoblin Inquisitor 11
LE Medium monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft. low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 25 (+11 armor, +3 shield, +1 dex, +1 deflection )
hp 121 (11d8+55)(+11hp Favored Class)
Resist fire 5
Fort +12 (+7 class, +3 con, +2 resistance), Ref +6 (+3 class, +1 dex, +2 resistance), Will +11 (+7 class,+2 Wis +2 resistance); Stalwart (ignore fort or will partial on a successful save)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares);
Melee +1 wounding heavy pick +15/+10 (1d6+6 plus 1 con/ 19-20 x4)
Ranged +1 mighty [+5] composite longbow +10/+5 (1d8+6/ x3)
Special Actions: Judgement 4/day, Bane 11 rounds/day, Discern Lies 11 rounds/day
Str 18/20, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +8/+3; CMB +13; CMD 24
Feats: Toughness (1), Step up (b), Improved Initiative (3), quickdraw (5), heavy armor proficiency (7), weapon focus: heavy pick (9), Improved Critical: heavy Pick (11), Teamwork = shake it off, shield wall, and either duck and cover or intercept charge (depending upon who is with him)
Skills: 66 ranks. Diplomacy +4 (1r): Intimidate +19 (11 r), Knowledge: Engineering +7 (4r), Knowledge: History +4 (1r) Knowledge: Religion +14 (11r), Perception: +16 (11r) Perform: oratory: +8 (5r) Profession Soldier +16 (11 r), Ride +5 (1r), Sense Motive +21 (11 r)
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal
Spells (Domains: Evil, Strength) -/6/5/4/2 Known: 6/6/5/4/3
4th (DC 16) – cure critical wounds, divine power, freedom of movement
3rd (DC 15) – dispel magic, heroism, prayer, ward the faithful
2nd (DC 14) –death knell, resist energy, see invisibility, silence, tongues
1st (DC 13) – divine favor, expeditious retreat, remove fear, shield of faith, true strike, wrath
0 (DC 12) –detect magic, detect poison, guidance, mending, purify food and drink, read magic
+2 red dragoncraft full plate,* +2 buckler, +1 wounding heavy pick*, Belt of Giant Strength+2,
cloak of resistance +2, ring of protection +1, +1 mighty [+5] composite longbow, 1 scroll of cure critical wounds, potion of heroism, potion of lesser restoration, potion of fly, potion of haste
Red Dragoncraft Full Plate: resist 5 fire. Treat as medium armor, -4 skill penalty.

Stern Gaze +5 intimidate, sense motive
Track: +5 track
Judgements: Justice +3 (+6 to confirm crits), Destruction +4 dmg, Protection +3 AC; Purity +3 saves; Resiliency DR 3/Chaotic or Good; Energy Resistance 8; smiting: Defeat DR
Domain: Persistence Inquisition +10 ft movement as swift act, 1/day swift action 5d6 healing and remove blinded, confused, dazzled, deafened, frightened, nauseated, shaken, sickened, or staggered.

Tactics: Precast: Death knell (+1 clvl, +1d8 temp hp, +2 enh str), shield of faith (+4 due to the Death knell caster level) freedom of movement, see invisibility, heroism, potentially resist energy if the PCs use a particular type. AC 29 (30 w/haste)
In combat. Swift: judgement justice/destruction, standard: divine power
If PCs charge an ally, use intercept charge to close the distance then
2. Swift—already used for immediate:; Standard: boot to the face: +22/+22/+17 for 1d6+12+1 con;
If PCs do not engage in melee, activate Bane on the bow and attack:
Buffed ranged attack with divine power, judgement, and bane: +18/+18/+13 (1d8+15+2d6)

When in melee:
3. Free: Quickdraw heavy pick, Swift: bane on heavy pick, boot to face (+24/+24/+19 for 1d6+ 14+2d6+1 con /x4 (+2 morale, +3 profane, +3 luck, +2 extra enh=+10 atk/ +3 luck, +4 profane +2 extra enh, +2d6 bane=+9+2d6 dmg)); +2 saves = +14/+8/+13

Male Goblin Gunslinger 8 (Bolt Ace)
NE Small monstrous humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +7 (gunslinger initiative); Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +14
AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 17 (+6 armor, +5 Dex, +1 size, +2 Dodge)
hp 74 (8d10+16)(+8hp Favored Class)
Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +5
Speed 10 ft. (4 squares);
Melee mwk small longsword +9/+4 (1d8-1/19-20)
Range +1 small light crossbow +13/+13/+8 (1d6 +6/ 19-20 x3) or Deadly Aim +10/+10/+5 (1d6+12 19-20/x3)
Special Actions: Grit (2—recharge on a criticalhit or killing blow); Deeds: Sharpshoot (resolve attacks against touch AC in first range increment; 1 grit); Gunslinger’s dodge (move 5’ or fall prone in response to attack; 1 grit), Vigilant loading (no AoO; no grit cost); Gunslinger initiative (+2 init and quickdraw; no grit cost), pistol whip (+9 1d8 and free manuever check to knock prone; 1 grit), Shooter’s resolve (ignore concealment; 1 grit) Deadeye shot (1 attack with incrementing damage; 1 grit), Distracting shot (miss to make target lose dex bonus for 1 round; 1 grit), Targeting (FRA hit specific body part for effect; 1 grit)
Str 8, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +8/+3; CMB +6; CMD 21
Feats Point Blank Shot (1), Precise Shot (3), Rapid Shot (4(b)), Mounted Combat (5) Rapid Reload (7), Deadly Aim (8b)
Skills Climb +4 (3r), Craft (Taxidermy) +6 (3r), Handle Animal +6 (3r), Perception +14 (8 r), Ride +10 (2r), Stealth +17 (8 r, +4 size), Survival +8 (5r)
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal
+2 mithral small chain shirt, masterwork small longsword, +1 small crossbow with 20 bolts,
10 +1 elf-bane bolts, cloak of resistance +1, leather pouch containing 37 gp, 11 pp and the key to his
chest. Potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of minor image, scroll of animal growth.

Crossbow training: Dex to dmg and crit multiplier increases by 1.

Bumping to see if this thread will still get any love.

dot for interest.

Thanks for the interest guys.
I'm still on it, but thanks to my computer breaking down two times by now (each times with data loss due to a fried harddisc) I've lost some parts of my work and had to start again from early backups. I don't have a real schedule, but I've incorporated lots of ideas from Elder Basilisc and others, fixed errors and cleared the whole thing up to prevent statstics from being broken up and spread over two pages.

One of the things that's eating so much time is writing up alternatives for certain creatures and challenges and digging through the d20pfsrd for creatures that fit RHoD (since many GMs have reservations about homebrewing I'm trying to avoid whenever possible).

I'm surprised that so many of the npc classes characters have elite arrays. That would certainly up the difficulty.

Tangaroa wrote:
I'm surprised that so many of the npc classes characters have elite arrays. That would certainly up the difficulty.

Yeah, but considering how easily the average party dispatches a standard, humanoid NPC, I don't think the threat level inceases dramatically. With an elite arry, they at least qualifiy for some interesting feats and maybe they live for an additonal round or hit a PC an additonal time, but that's pretty much it. At the level RHoD is supposed to start, melee PCs will still kill those mooks left and right :)

I can see where you're coming from though. For games with 15-Point Buy (or even lower) or some other considerations like low magic setting or something like that the difference will be more significant.

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