Eldrich knight / Signifier build advice


We will be starting Curse of the Crimson Throne after a while, and I am already thinking about a possible build.

We roll for backgrounds and with what I have I probably should go martial, but as an alternative, and a good source of fun roleplay, I decided to try the:

Fighter 1(mutation warrior or vengeful hunter)/Wizard 1(admixer)/Eldrich Knight 3/9 Signifier(Order of Nails for story purpouses)/Eldrich knight 6.

Will be playin a Peri-blooded aasimar, but with a vanilla spell-like to qualify for early Eldrich Knight (GM allows).

Now, for wizard, I am thinking admixer, intensify metamagic, still metamagc, traits to make snowball 1 level lower for metamagic...

Biggest draw of this build in 9th level spells + full plate. And I know what you are thinking, I won't have enough swift action. Our GM arrows to convert a move action into a swift action, a nifty houserule.

But aside from that, I am in a loss what feats to take and how to spend my point-buy. A Dex build? A Str build? Any help with feats and point buy?

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