NRawk |

Ok, so I'm part of a party, we're level 3, and we fought a level 19 free hand fighter and I realized the reversal ability of the free hand fighter is ridiculous.
Is it really intended to be that is Character A attacks Enemy B (the free hand fighter) using reversal he can redirect the attack to Bystander C?
That makes no sense. Is this just a non-intended use of the a poorly written ability?

Saperaud |

It's an ability only available at fighter level 19+ , he can only redirect as an immediate action meaning he can do it once per round, and he has to succeed on a disarm check so it's not even close to ridiculous. All in all I might even all it a little underpowered for the level it's gained at.
The fact that you're part of a party of level 3s fighting a level 19 character is the bigger problem here I think. Under normal circumstances it is simply a fight you can't/shouldn't win.

NRawk |

Yeah, the level 3 vs a level 19 thing is just our crazy DM, there are 'special' circumstances that make it that we 'can' hurt him, but he could just one shot us.
I think my problem with the ability is the term 'Reversal' as the ability when it is actually 'redirecting' the attack, not 'reversing' it.