Sorcerer Arcane Bloodline Familiar

Rules Questions

So I am building a sorc and need a little help with the familiar. I get the gist that one that flys and uses wands are the way to go. Can a ioun wyrd hold a wand? What does this creature even look like. It seems cool at low levels. And suggestions would be great. We're starting at 3rd level.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It looks like an animated pile of stones and gemstones. It's pretty neat if you use ioun stones. But i don't think it can use wands as it can't actually speak.

Hum, I didn't think about the not speaking part. What would be a good low level option for fly/wand user? I can take improved familiar feat to widen the selection.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I don't think any of the basic familiars can wield a wand. I would go with a familiar with a good bonus you like and then get Improved Familiar later on. Imps and quasits are generally thought to be strong choices. But any of the outsiders are decent.

PFS rules that non-improved familiars cannot use wands.

You can get a monkey familiar. They have hands. At 5th level, your familiar can "speak with master". Thus, they satisfy the requirements to use a wand. Getting the UMB high enough, with an animal's usual charisma, is a different problem.

In addition to monkeys, these also have hands: Donkey Rat, Koala, Racoon, Rat, or [Flying] Squirrel.

An argument for birds can be made. They use their feet to manipulate. I have seen Parrots pick up food in one foot while standing on the other, then eat it by bringing up the foot to their mouth. Likewise, could not a bird perch on a wand? Better yet, fly while grasping it. A familiar is smart enough to point the thing by their flight path.


Yeah Ive found some older threads that have shined light on my question. As far as if they are smart enough like your parrot, wouldn't the int bump solve that problem?

RelicBlackOUT wrote:
Yeah Ive found some older threads that have shined light on my question. As far as if they are smart enough like your parrot, wouldn't the int bump solve that problem?

Not sure what you are talking about. Familiars start at 6 Int.


Yes, which is higher than the base creature

Sovereign Court

do you guys think the new improved familiar Cat Sith can hold a wand? the one in FF VII held a megaphone, after all... :)

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
do you guys think the new improved familiar Cat Sith can hold a wand? the one in FF VII held a megaphone, after all... :)

Unfortunately they can't use one. Bolded part mine.

Cat Sith wrote:

They’re capable of easily walking balanced on just their

hind legs and wearing magic boots. They can carry one
object in their front paws when walking bipedally, though
they can’t manipulate such objects with the fine control
required to use weapons, wands, and similar objects.

Sovereign Court

ah, thank you Sir! :)

so they can still go fetch you a beer... good enough

Sovereign Court

so, since the Mauler ability to increase to Medium size is a polymorph effect (confirmed by Mark Seifter on the other thread) then I'm guessing you can cast Enlarge Person on top of that via Share Spells feature, and end up with a Large bipedal Cat Sith with a reach of 10 ft on claw claw bite hmmm? :)

Dark Archive

Once you get to improved familiar, you can get access to ones that can cast spells on you via wands. My 9th level sorcerer has a pseudo dragon just for that

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