Beginner box + Core treasure

Beginner Box

Hi i think i am overthinking or just not thinking.
i got problem with Random treasure item.

i just wondering that can i use Beginner Box random treasure and magic item taplets because i dont understand or find it in the Core book.

and allso use the SHOPPING FOR MAGIC list from the Beginner box.

+ when i am making treasure for the encounter lets say that the encounter was CR 2 treasure is = 600gp so i can change that to item worth of 600gp or the items can be 1200gp but the selling prize is 600gp ?

sorry if this is answered but didint figure search word

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All treasure is calculated according to the market price, not the sale price. So a CR2 fight would let your players find 600 gold, or 100 gold and a 500 gold item, or so on. If your players do not like the 500 gold item, they can sell it but they'll only get 250 gold for it.

If you don't like giving your characters items they may not like, then just give them gold.

Now, for art, gems, nonmagical jewelry, and other non-money, non-PC-usable items, the value of the item is the amount you can make selling it. So you could give the PCs 50 gold coins, 3 onyx gems worth 100g each, a small carved stone statue worth 150g, and a pair of level 1 potions worth 50g each.

The PCs can sell the gems and statue for full value (a total of 450g), but if they sold the two potions, they'd only get 25g for each. This is because items like art and jewelry have no use to PCs while potions, weapons, wands, etc have use. Things with usefulness sell for 50% what a PC must spend to buy it.

MurphysParadox wrote:

All treasure is calculated according to the market price, not the sale price. So a CR2 fight would let your players find 600 gold, or 100 gold and a 500 gold item, or so on. If your players do not like the 500 gold item, they can sell it but they'll only get 250 gold for it.

If you don't like giving your characters items they may not like, then just give them gold.

Now, for art, gems, nonmagical jewelry, and other non-money, non-PC-usable items, the value of the item is the amount you can make selling it. So you could give the PCs 50 gold coins, 3 onyx gems worth 100g each, a small carved stone statue worth 150g, and a pair of level 1 potions worth 50g each.

The PCs can sell the gems and statue for full value (a total of 450g), but if they sold the two potions, they'd only get 25g for each. This is because items like art and jewelry have no use to PCs while potions, weapons, wands, etc have use. Things with usefulness sell for 50% what a PC must spend to buy it.

Ok thats good "rule" if PC can use they sell them 50% other "items" like gems, art and etc. are valued 100%.

but what about that "shopping list" taplet is that good idea to use the Beginner Box taplet because it is easier to "read" and i cant "find" them in the core book.

sorry if i am hard to read or understand but i am going to blow my mind overthinking this :).

and THANK you for answering so quick.

Grand Lodge

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the template seems to be fine to use with the full rules. The things you would want to consider that might change are the size of the town or city they are in. Generally speaking, the bigger the city the more things in their shops. Also, you want to make sure that you are putting level appropriate things in the shops as well. Other than that, sure I would say use that template! Have fun with it! Hope that helps.

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