Montezuma |
This is the confirmed (So far) party composition for my first attempt ever at GMing, and I'd appreciate any information or ideas that may allow me to make things a little more interesting for the PCs. I have a couple of players who are still deciding whether or not they can play, but this is my party so far and I've decided to do my best with what I have.
Ratfolk Witch (Neutral) - Failed merchant, foreigner.
Samsaran Oracle - Wind (Lawful Good) - No profession decided
Tengu Musket Master (Neutral) - Professional gun for hire/pirate/foreigner
Oakling Barbarian/Brawler (Neutral, maybe Lawful Good) - No profession, seeking adventure, from local forests.
Human Spy (Lawful Good) - Low level Guild employee/agent, born/raised in local poor city.
Any ideas to help make things more interesting for this party would be very helpful.

Montezuma |
Ah, yes.
I have a previous thread that tells a great deal about the story in question, let me get a link.
Mark Hoover was extremely close to what I was planning (his post on sunday, 10:41), and I'm basically going to be stealing that story idea from him. (Thanks Mark!)
That should give an idea as to how the campaign will work.
Also there's a friendly undead town.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue/archetypes/paizo---rogue -archetypes/spy
It's basically a rogue without trapfinding.

Lich Bard |

The oakling I suppose is a treant-ish race, no? Picturing the party in my head, the only one that isn't eye-catching is the human. Maybe the samsaran too. But a rat, a crow and a tree draw too much attention, depending on the campaign. You could use that. Make a circle of druids capture the oakling thinking he is an avatar of nature, but he is tainted by civilization and his friends, so they will kill (or something) the rest of the party in order to awaken him. Or maybe a town thinks the ratfolk is a lycanthrope, and start chasing...it? And, following that line, maybe there is a were-rat near, and sees the witch as either an enemy stealing territory, or good bait so he can claim town, or a good bride/groom. Or, the were-rat could be cannibal. Bonus points if you combine the last two.
Those would be the ones I think about the party, but the adventures aren't always centered on the party. There are generic adventures that don't really care about racial issues, or class issues.

Montezuma |
I hadn't considered druids getting interested with the Oakling, but that definitely holds potential.
The page for Oakling is here.
They're a bit overpowered by themselves, but I've introduced a few changes in the campaign to balance it out.

Mark Hoover |
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So, they're vaguely similar to the Guardians of the Galaxy? A walking tree, an uninassuming human, an anthropomorphic animal with a gun...
Anyway, from what I remember the high-level of the campaign is guilds controlling the city, some larger force menacing the land and the PCs will have urban and wild adventures within this framework yes?
Level 1: PCs are drawn together by the one honest guild... the rogue's guild. They're not so much all thieves. Instead it's sort of a cabal of scoundrels and dissidents.
- Adventure 1: Right now the guild is nothing more than an idea; they have no base of operations. While the higher ups are busy negotiating the politics of incorporation the grunts (PC's) are hired to go scout a potential base in the undercity. PCs are one of four groups doing so.
- Use skills to fight through the sewers into an old section o/the city one of the PCs knows
- Once there find an underground dungeon and clear it
- A rival guild team is actually a plant by one of the master guilds and looking to stop PCs at all costs
- Adventure 2: Now that the guild is settled into a new home they need capital. Like any corporation the executives of the guild brought a few "clients" or patrons with them as well as their own gold but that's only going to last so long. The PCs have a couple different missions to choose from
- woo a potential patron by doing her a solid on speck; check out some free low-level PFS modules for this
- Head out of town to loot a ruined tower (Master of the Fallen Fortress anyone?)
Level 2: By now the PCs have come together as a group. The guild has encouraged them to build cover IDs. The guild helps get the party out of the city to a small town in the hinterlands. It should be close enough to the city that they can still attend guild meetings but far enough that the PCs aren't constantly being hunted as dissidents. In their new home PCs do a few missions to ingratiate themselves to the residents.
Level 3: The running theme of the last couple levels is the establishment of the league of scoundrels. Now they're firmly up and running and the master guilds are taking their first organized swipe at them. PCs are called back to the city to help defend the guild. Adventures could include
- extended Gather Info runs to figure out when an attack is imminent
- siege defense in the undercity against mercs hired by the master guilds
- infiltrating one of the lesser master guildhalls to deliver a message like "Luca Brazzi sleeps with the fishes" or something
Following this pattern by the time the PCs hit level 4 they've got their own fronts in a neighboring town plus guild contacts and intrigue in the city. The PCs also should have the wealth and skills to earn a grudging respect/enmity from the master guilds. Finally the players can, by their words and actions show you if they want to continue with more intrigue, go find some dungeons/wilds to explore, or keep mingling the 2 together. You can also use these low level bits to flesh out your world and decide which type of adventure is easier for you to run.