Golarion Map distances


I'm somewhat new to Pathfinder as a player and GM. Been GMing a bi-weekly adventure for about 2 months and our adventurers are finishing up the Masks of the Living Gods module currently.

After this, my plan is to give them the sandbox of option of going to other areas on the golarion map. My plan is to have them learn of possible adventures in other areas including Ravenmoor, Belkzen, Andoran, etc. (all the "suggestions" for possible adventures will be in line with other pathfinder modules).

Between discovering these other major story arcs, I'm hoping to put some flavor into the world of Golarion with random encounters (combat and non-combat) on their journey.

My only problem though is that I can't find a map with travel distances to accurately map things out. This will greatly help with determining just how much happens on a journey from one place to another.

I mean is it 50 or 500+ miles from Tamran (Nirmathas province) to Almas (Andoran province)? Or maybe longer or somewhere in the middle? Right now, I have no idea; the only map I have is the Folio from this website and the unofficial map from another website; both of which don't give distances.

Thanks for any help!

This blog post has a map with a scale in the bottom left. Going by that metric, it's about 640 miles between Tamran and Almas. The Inner Sea World Guide has a version of that map in the first few pages, and there are other books with scaled maps as well.

Edit: After checking the ISWG version of the map, it looks like they've updated it and changed the distances; according to the ISWG, it's more like 900 miles. I recommend checking that out. Only $10 for the pdf, and it's a great resource for the setting.

Great, thanks, that's really helpful!

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