Desert Druid Caster Build- Tips?


The campaign is taking place inside of a mostly-desert region.

I have most of it fleshed out, Here is a google doc thing for reference. I don't know what feats to get. I'd like to be able to boost my utility, and if I can't do that through more feats, then I'll probably spend them towards survivability.

It's a RP heavy campaign, so having an 'UBER BUILD' isn't necessary, but i'd like to expand his utility, because I'm not focusing on his combat abilities, almost, AT ALL.

As is, the main 'trick' the build is about is desert stealth. He has a 20 mod in stealth as a DRUID, after all the calculations of feats and class features and traits.

The biggest part is the blend spell. Being a half-elf gives access, and it makes it so I can just 'poof', and basically have invisibility for potentially over an hour.

For the feats, if there is nothing that can add another 'layer' of utility to this guy, I'm probably going to take Attuned to the Wild (desert) and Guardian of the Wild (Desert).

When we go into urban areas his desert switch will be turned off, but the blend spell shenanigans aren't really based on that, even though they help it a bit.

Also, this is my first druid. As a caster, any tips based on experience?

Thanks you barbarians.

SF (Conj.) & Augment Summoning are a pair of feats which make summons more useful. Summons can help with utility or combat.

RP heavy sometimes means that skill checks really, really matter. As a half elf you can take human racial feats - like Defiant Luck and Inexplicable Luck. 1/day may be enough if there's no combat and +8 is a very healthy bonus.

As a druid make sure you buff before the fight if at all possible. Barkskin lasts 10 minutes/level for example. Don't try to blast; your spell list is so-so for it and your class abilities don't help. Buffs, battlefield control and maybe summons are your thing. I know you weren't that interested in combat, but there's no always-relevant advice for RP based on the class that I can think of. Except maybe get a real name for the character, halfelfdrood isn't.


Champion of the dunes, beguiler of giants and templars, fang of the viper...


May the Sorceror Kings tremble at his name.

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Desert druid? I gleefully consider the "summon nature's ally" spell. It doesn't have to be a big one. How many poisonous scorpions can you dump into your enemies midst? Being a RP heavy campaign you will have all sorts of opportunities to use guile. Subtlety is a good mindset for a Druid. I know scorpions are not on the official list, but other poisonous arthropods are. You may have to speak with your DM to come up with more desert type creatures, but this is one of my favorite Druid spells, since it allows you to move on to the next action while the critter is still wailing away at whatever it is attacking. "Summon natures ally III" allows monitor lizard. Depending upon what level you are playing one or more of those suddenly appearing in the middle of your enemies could really screw up their day. One of the things that I learned playing a Druid is that small and subtle can be better in their hands than big and flashy. Let the arcane casters have the pyrotechnics, you have a lot of other tricks up your sleeve.

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