Shimnimnim |
So here's the thing. The evangelist (cleric archetype) has an ability called "Public Speaking", which reads as such:
"An evangelist gains Perform as a class skill. In addition, she is trained to project her voice with great skill and effect; the DC to hear her speak in difficult conditions is reduced by an amount equal to her class level plus her Charisma modifier (minimum 0)."
But I can't find any evidence that this check ever existed in the first place! So I'm looking to find two answers:
1) What's the DC for being heard in different situations?
2) Is this the only modifier that exists? Do you roll to yell or does the recipient roll to hear?
Fruian Thistlefoot |
You will roll a performance check when you begin your performance if you get over a 5 typically you pass.
Since taking 1 skill point in Perform nets you a 4....add in Public Speaker and your at 5+ @ level 1...Performance is not a skill that is a auto failure on a
There is absolutely no reason to take more than 1 skill point in Perform oratory on a EVANGELIST unless your wanting a day-job check. I still would not put more than 1 point into it and seek out a boon that replaces the day-job check with something better.