The Evangelist's Public Speaker???


So here's the thing. The evangelist (cleric archetype) has an ability called "Public Speaking", which reads as such:

"An evangelist gains Perform as a class skill. In addition, she is trained to project her voice with great skill and effect; the DC to hear her speak in difficult conditions is reduced by an amount equal to her class level plus her Charisma modifier (minimum 0)."

But I can't find any evidence that this check ever existed in the first place! So I'm looking to find two answers:

1) What's the DC for being heard in different situations?
2) Is this the only modifier that exists? Do you roll to yell or does the recipient roll to hear?

It's under the Perception skill. Hearing the details of a conversation is a DC 0 Perception check. Unfavorable conditions make it DC 2, terrible conditions make it DC 5. Every 10 feet you are away is an additional +1.

And does the conversation not matter? Like if I am screaming or just talking normally? Is the evangelist the only person who can yell?

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Shimnimnim wrote:
And does the conversation not matter? Like if I am screaming or just talking normally? Is the evangelist the only person who can yell?

The evangelist doesn't yell. He projects from the diaphragm.

Grand Lodge

I'm playing one who rides around on a giant bird. Her public speaking ability means that the party can hear her -- even when she's up in the air and there's a wind going. It's a pretty sweet ability in my opinion!

Scarab Sages

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pezlerpolychromatic wrote:
Shimnimnim wrote:
And does the conversation not matter? Like if I am screaming or just talking normally? Is the evangelist the only person who can yell?
The evangelist doesn't yell. He projects from the diaphragm.

That's what she said!

Grand Lodge

You will roll a performance check when you begin your performance if you get over a 5 typically you pass.

Since taking 1 skill point in Perform nets you a 4....add in Public Speaker and your at 5+ @ level 1...Performance is not a skill that is a auto failure on a

There is absolutely no reason to take more than 1 skill point in Perform oratory on a EVANGELIST unless your wanting a day-job check. I still would not put more than 1 point into it and seek out a boon that replaces the day-job check with something better.

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