Question: Lymnieris: Undo Maturation Boon Power

Rules Questions

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First of all, the text...

Chronicle of the Righteous, p. 18 wrote:

3: Undo Maturation (Su) Once per day with a successful touch

attack, you can rewind the sands of time for a single creature,
causing the target to revert to the previous age category, taking
all the appropriate penalties to mental ability scores without
any of the benefits to physical ability scores. If the target is an
adult, it gains the simple young creature template. If the target
already has the simple young creature template, it rejuvenates
even further, reducing all its ability scores by 2 (to a minimum
score of 1) and decreasing its size by an additional step.

Now my question is two actually.

First, is this permanent?

Second, it says you take the appropriate penalties without the any of the benefits... so am I correct in thinking that this is actually a CURSE upon someone you do it to? It will remove the mental bonuses but not remove the physical penalties?

So like Joe Average that in his prime had all stats at 10 would after being venerable (STR 4, DEX 4, CON 4, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 13) and being 'undone' to adult (over the course of three days)...

INT 10
WIS 10
CHA 10

Is this right?

Or is it just weird wording and should say more like "Losing the benefits to mental ability scores and regaining the penalties taken to physical ability scores"

Okay, I don't normally bump posts, but it's been two days with no replies... Anyone out there able to help me with interpreting this?

Dark Archive

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1) It appears to have no duration, and is therefore permanent. More specifically it is actually "instantaneous" and would not be dispellable or be removed in an antimagic field.

2) Depends, someone fearful of death by old age might gladly take this "curse". It is worded more like an attack though and is likely meant to be one rather than a gift or boon except for the particularly desperate.

3) That all sounds correct, this is likely designed this way on purpose, the wording is too specific to be a mistake.

Well, I don't think the wording was a MISTAKE so much as it's not so clear...

But, I do see where if you look at it as an attack and it's undoing your MENTAL... like cursing you with the mind of a child...

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AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:

Well, I don't think the wording was a MISTAKE so much as it's not so clear...

But, I do see where if you look at it as an attack and it's undoing your MENTAL... like cursing you with the mind of a child...

But... you keep your penalties from aging? I have the body of my younger self but I still keep my arthritis? Thats kinda messed up.

Arcanic Drake wrote:
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:

Well, I don't think the wording was a MISTAKE so much as it's not so clear...

But, I do see where if you look at it as an attack and it's undoing your MENTAL... like cursing you with the mind of a child...

But... you keep your penalties from aging? I have the body of my younger self but I still keep my arthritis? Thats kinda messed up.

Right, which like I said if it's meant as a CURSE then I can see that... but by the wording I'm not 100% sure it's meant to... I can see it as removing the penalties of aging and not giving you the benefits of aging...

Also, cause... if it IS a curse then shouldn't it say so, due to things that are immune to curses, or are they just not immune to this?

Dark Archive

It is not a curse because it does not say it is a curse. It is a Supernatural ability with an instantaneous effect. Nothing more.

yeah but something that PERMANENTLY reduces your mental attributes (save for many years of game time passing)? That's a pretty major effect to not be considered a curse. At most it's an oversight and SHOULD be considered a curse.

Then you have the question that if you don't get back the lost stats, do you lose them again when you age to that point again?

i'm also curious at how this works

1st off what is that even from so I can reference it?

Inner Sea Gods pg. 322

Yep that seems to be the long and short of it you can de-age their mind but not their body.

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