What does Ward Gel do,

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

Was looking to find out what it does, thanks.


Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

It increases your resistance to cold for two rounds (12 seconds) and your resistance to fire for four rounds (24 seconds).

It's basically mageblock goo

Goblin Squad Member

KarlBob wrote:
It increases your resistance to cold for two rounds (12 seconds) and your resistance to fire for four rounds (24 seconds).

Is it useful against the Goblin Bombers "frost grenade"?

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

I'm not sure whether the bombers use a cold attack, but I know that the shamans do. The shaman cold attack also has a Slow effect.

Bombers are fire, shamans are cold. And its great against both.

The "Resistance" adds 12 to the Resistance of that type of attack, which reduces damage you take from those attacks AND helps protect you against negative effects and stacks from those attacks.

Things that say "Protection," like "Physical Protection" for the Cleric Resistance Orison (getting confused yet?) add 4 instead of 12. That said, The Cleric Orison "Resistance" does the same thing as the Ward Gel, only for 2 rounds per instead of 4 and 2.

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