Trumoi |
Feel free to post your own variants for other core and even other races. And if it seems like something does not quite fit, let me know!
Feytouched (11rp), Pathfinder Variant Race
Abilities: +2DEX, +2CHA, -2CON (0rp) Taken directly from the 3.5 race of the same name, the Feytouched human is inherently charismatic and dextrous due to the influence of the illusory spritely fey, but suffers from their frailty to a degree as well.
Size: Medium (0rp) As they still appear human in almost every respect, and are usually born human, the Feytouched remain medium size.
Speed: Fast, 40ft (1rp) Spritely and much lighter on their feet than common humans, the Feytouched are inherently faster than common races.
Type: Fey (2rp) Though usually born humans, Feytouched are considered, by all technical purposes, to be more related to fey than humans, and as such only inherit the Fey type.
Low-light Vision (1rp) All fey-type races are gifted with low-light vision.
Flexible Bonus Feat (4rp) Though now in fact Fey, the Feytouched still have the versatility in skills and choices as their human forebearers. This, teamed with the fey's inherent unique and chaotic natures, causes the Feytouched to be just as likely to pick up extra feats, and may take any feat they meet the prerequisites for as a bonus feat.
Multitalented: +1 to HP/lvl and Skills/lvl(2rp) Though they inherit the flexibility of their human forebearers, fey are quick to latch onto that which they enjoy and cast all other pursuits aside. Due to this, fey only decide on two possible favoured classes and gain the bonuses when levelling up these classes.
Languages: Linguist, Common and Sylvan (1rp) The Feytouched are either born with an inherent understanding of Sylvan, taught it at a young age by fellow Feytouched or learn it prior to receiving their racial boon from the Fey.
Favored Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Oracle, Ranger or Rogue. Feytouched Clerics are not uncommon but typically follow nature-bound deities.
I have yet to think of Favoured Class bonuses, alternate languages or alternate racial traits (mainly used ARG to create this template) but if you want to contribute, critique or correct, let me know!
Kazaan |
I should point out that this strongly breaks precedent regarding humanoid+non-humanoid breeding. In almost all cases I've found, Humanoid + Other Type yields a Humanoid type offspring. For example, Dhampir (Humanoid + Undead) and Changeling (Humanoid + Monstrous Humanoid). The only cases I came across where the offspring inherited the non-Humanoid type were those handled by templates; Half-Fiend, Half-Celestial, and Half-Dragon. You may want to take that into consideration.
Toujours |
If I recall the template this is based on correctly the Feytouched template changes the creatures typing to fey. I see no real problem with that here. I also recall them being immune to mind-affecting effects and having a spell-like ability or two.
All together I'd put it somewhere around the Tiefling if you tacked on a bonus against mind-affecting effects. Maybe drop the speed down to standard. Honestly I don't have much experience with non-core races as my games are usually core only so I may be in the wrong ball park.
Trumoi |
If I recall the template this is based on correctly the Feytouched template changes the creatures typing to fey. I see no real problem with that here. I also recall them being immune to mind-affecting effects and having a spell-like ability or two.
All together I'd put it somewhere around the Tiefling if you tacked on a bonus against mind-affecting effects. Maybe drop the speed down to standard. Honestly I don't have much experience with non-core races as my games are usually core only so I may be in the wrong ball park.
According to the Advanced Race Guide, this character Race is equal to 11rp, same as a dwarf. A tiefling is rated at 13rp, so you would be correct as Elven Immunities(the closest racial ability to Fae Immunities) is 2rp, so if added it would be the same level. You could just as well drop the speed, but I wanted to make a more unique, swift human rather than the oh-so-typical drop a magic immunity on the race and call it a day.
Of course, Faetouched are usually made, not bred, so they could have a very versatile amount of racial traits to choose from...
Trumoi |
I should point out that this strongly breaks precedent regarding humanoid+non-humanoid breeding. In almost all cases I've found, Humanoid + Other Type yields a Humanoid type offspring. For example, Dhampir (Humanoid + Undead) and Changeling (Humanoid + Monstrous Humanoid). The only cases I came across where the offspring inherited the non-Humanoid type were those handled by templates; Half-Fiend, Half-Celestial, and Half-Dragon. You may want to take that into consideration.
As Toujours pointed out, it's based on a Race from 3.5 that was canon and they type changed to Fey. However there is another reason for it. Firstly, the Fey are from the First World and so I thought it would be better for the character to be akin to Tiefling, Aasimar, Suli and so on, in that the overpowering otherwordly blood wins over. Secondly, I wanted my players to have the chance to actually be a Fae, perhaps a humanoid-looking Fae, but a Fae mechanically. The closest we have is Gnome and some players wanted to be medium size and pointed out how many Medium Fae there are. So I dug up this old race and adapted it in a balanced manner.
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Sounds sort of like the Tiefling/Aasimar, which is typically assumed to have a human base. For the same reason, I'd ditch the bonus feat which is the human's strongest selling point, and multitalented which is a half-elf thing most people sub out with an alt. trait.
I think some spell-likes ala gnome could be more interesting/fitting. There's a lot to choose from, such as Faerie Fire, Hypnotism, so on.
Aleron |
My personal go to is In the Company of Fey. Really fun race balanced against the core with a cool paragon class for even more fey shenanigans.