LibraryRPGamer |

The Vermin Lord (here is a picture) was one of the many character concepts in 3.x that I never got to try. Now, I'm wanting to bring it to PFS but I am having trouble with which class to take.
In 3.5, Vermin Lords were evil. But, I'm wanting to go with more of a chaotic neutral version. I'm imagining this character as a disgusting, socially awkward, disease ridden, "friend to vermin" type character. He fears people and wants no part in their lives, but, he doesn't actively try to tear society down and bring it to its knees either. I figured he joined Pathfinder Society to somehow protect his fellow vermin.
I want the character to be focused on summoning but I am having a tough time picking a class. My initial thought was a summoning-focused Arcanist. It's a powerful option.
However, the druid is probably a better fit, thematically. The Animal Companion would give me a "vermin friend" in addition to my summons. But, I am torn on whether I like or need wild shape. I've never played a druid before. Is there an archetype that gives up Wild Shape or would be a good fit for a Vermin Lord?
Thanks for your help!

LibraryRPGamer |

I like druid for this, the insect animal companion will be a benefit, both mechanically and for theme. Druids also get survival skills, and a wide range of utility spells, like entangle and stone shape.
Of course, there's always summoner if you want to go nuts summoning
I considered summoner but they are CHA focused and I don't want to deal with the eidolon.
Would there be a druid archetype that you could recommend for a Vermin Lord?

RainyDayNinja RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 |

Desert Druids can turn into vermin with Wild Shape.
If you're a drow or have Racial Heritage (drow), you can get the Spider Summoner feat.
Drow stuff isn't PFS legal.
The Desert Druid is a good find, but the ability to wild shape into vermin doesn't come in until level 10, which is almost at the end of PFS play, so it's probably not worth waiting for.

LibraryRPGamer |

What is your character concept beyond the vermin angle? Do you want him to be more martial or spell-focused?
Either. Both. I originally thought of focusing on casting to get the summon monster spells. The hunter is a nice thought though...
I do play a lot of martial and partial casters (i.e. bards). For this character, I would like to try something different.

Thormind |
JoshB wrote:There's an Oracle curse in the Monster Codex called "Infested Goblin" that would work well if it was PFS legal.That will give me summon swarm at 15th level...way beyond the playable levels of PFS.
Can a hunter that focuses on summon spells be viable?
I don't think it would be viable, no. He is only a 6th lvl spellcaster and does not get summons faster as the summoner does. Summon lvl would be to far behind to be effective. But his pet would be powerful...