Sneaky magic, and Rogue abilities

Rules Questions

Would it be possible to get a Wizard or Sorcerer to “trap” an object. Say a small rock, with say, a fireball with some kind of magical trigger to go off when someone is too close (Some derivative of Alarm maybe), then cast invisibility on it (Expecting it to be crossed in a reasonably short period of time) And then drop it in the path of the enemy?

That leads to this. How would a Rogue with trap Sense mechanically work with a trapped magic rock. That is invisible, just sitting on the floor as they are about to pas it up?

Would the Rogue be legitimately able to even notice it? And even if he did. How would he “Disable Device” on the thing? Especially if he couldn't even see it to mess with it? (What if it were one pebble on a floor covered in small rocks? For instance)

Another thing I am wondering is could one pick up a rock. Trap it. Invis it. The teleport the rock to said location. No one would even know it was coming, til it blew up in their faces.

My game is reaching a point of power were things are becoming “all or nothing” Either something hits and HURTS, or, the PC's and NPC's brush it off as if it never happened. It doesn't matter of its physical combat, a trap, or magic.

Would a Rogue get to dance out of such a trap with his Evasion/Uncanny dodge ability? He wouldn't even have the luxury of hearing a spell being cast to have ANY sense of it even coming to do so.

- - - -

This all comes from the fact that in my game I assume that PC's who have a greater than say 14 intelligence, tend to be a lot smarter than the players who play them. (Going on the theory that each point of Int is 10 points of IQ, roughly) If your average Wizard for instance stats with say.. a 16 base intelligence and is a race that can add to +2 to Intelligence. By 8th level they are sporting a 20 Intelligence. These are beyond genius level “people”. And a very old Dragon Magazine, from back in the print days in the 90's, suggested that you have such people just KNOW. Or have prepared for the things you as a ST weren't prepared for the players to do. Especially if these high Intelligence people had time to pan. Simply because they are just that damned smart. (With the caveat of having some common sense to not thwart every thought the players have and make the game unfun.)

I am trying to think of serious “out of the box” methods of surprising the players. And this invisible fireball rock is one of the ideas I came up with off the top of my head.

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