Cryokineticst Feat selection help needed for WotR campaign


Liberty's Edge

I'm a blaster, going through the Wrath of the Righteous path, and I already have Precise Shot and Point blank shot.

What's 2 more feats that I should be taking to help out my character?

Need some advice on what's going to be the best bang for the buck to improve blasts.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Spell pen/greater spell pen and/or eldritch from mythic rules. You are going to be fighting a lot of outsiders and nearly all of them will have SR. Many will also have resistances too if there's a way around that.

I'd say that you've chosen a difficult path to go down.

Scarab Sages

I'm assuming you mean the kineticst from the Occult Adventures playtest? You'll want toughness to fuel burn, and kineticsts are one of the few classes that make good use of Vital Strike.

Liberty's Edge

Imbicatus wrote:
I'm assuming you mean the kineticst from the Occult Adventures playtest? You'll want toughness to fuel burn, and kineticsts are one of the few classes that make good use of Vital Strike.

Yes, specifically hydro, though I prefer calling mine cryo.

Liberty's Edge

Seannoss wrote:

Spell pen/greater spell pen and/or eldritch from mythic rules. You are going to be fighting a lot of outsiders and nearly all of them will have SR. Many will also have resistances too if there's a way around that.

I'd say that you've chosen a difficult path to go down.

Water has a SR ignoring blast, I don't foresee a lot of problems with SR as a result.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My cryokineticists ranged build (from playtest).

01-Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot(human).
05-Iron Will (Improved Init also works here)
07-Expanded Element (water to pick up the SR-bypassing blast)
09-Vital Strike
11+Didn't get this far.

Max out burn (excuse me, I meant Feel the Burn) at the beginning of the day (usually through buffing the defensive power.)

Other than that, max out con and belt of con asap.
Once Empower blast comes online always Empower every shot (use gather power to reduce burn to 0.)

Liberty's Edge

Rerednaw wrote:

My cryokineticists ranged build (from playtest).

01-Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot(human).
05-Iron Will (Improved Init also works here)
07-Expanded Element (water to pick up the SR-bypassing blast)
09-Vital Strike
11+Didn't get this far.

Max out burn at the beginning of the day (usually through buffing the defensive power.)

Other than that, max out con and belt of con asap.
Once Empower blast comes online always Empower every shot (use gather power to reduce burn to 0.)

Forgot about gather power, good plan.

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