Assassin in pfs

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
Reasonable stuff.

On your first point: I hadn't noticed the post you had linked in your previous post, I sort of remember seeing it before now that I have gone back and looked at it again. To be honest, I pretty much tune that poster out, since most of his posts that I have seen have generally been unhelpful, and I couldn't tell who he was trying to call power gamers. It seemed to me he was calling Pirate Rob a powergamer for the two sneak attack builds he offered up to the OP.

On your second point: While I completely agree that troubling behavior should not be ignored, I can't say that I've seen anything particularly troubling here, including the post you linked to. But that is something that will vary from person to person. I will concede that I was perhaps more than a little overdramatic with the mental instability bit.

Concerning the "rogue phenomenon": I don't really see this as particularly unique behavior, as Nefreet mentioned this can be seen in other classes that come under fire for being suboptimal. The same type of behavior can be seen in pretty much any hobby. If you were to ask me why I like Kansas City sports teams / X color in MtG / X faction in anything else, I would just shrug and say, "because I do." I can't really quantify what it is about Rogues that I like, I just like them.


Nefreet wrote:
It's someone saying, "I like this", and someone else saying, "that's crap".

There is nothing wrong with liking things that are crap. I'm watching Home & Away right now...


Silver Crusade 1/5

So... one-weapon style is the best for this?

Scarab Sages

Mr Oger wrote:
So... one-weapon style is the best for this?

It's more accurate than two weapon fighting, and you need all the accuracy you can get. That doesn't mean it's the best.

In terms of rogue combat styles, I would rank them Touch Attack (Chill touch elf/gnome or deliquescent gloves)>Natural Weapons (Tengu or Tiefling)>Single weapon melee>Two Weapon Fighting Melee>Ranged.

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