Dream Inspired Setting

Off-Topic Discussions

I had this dream last night about USA government supers fighting Vietcong government supers during the Vietnam War. I believe it was using Savage Worlds. I have no idea if I want to do something with it.

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Nohwear wrote:
I had this dream last night about USA government supers fighting Vietcong government supers during the Vietnam War. I believe it was using Savage Worlds. I have no idea if I want to do something with it.

This is a great idea. I'm going to write up a short story and then copyright it. Do you have any other ideas?

Let's suppose I want to turn this into a campaign. Does anyone know of any good research material for this?

I would start with Savage World materials; the core book and their Super Powers Companion are both good. They also have some fantasy era settings you may want to look into. Those would give you a good basis for the final ruleset.

For the actual setting, I would start with the Pentagon and CIA files. There's a lot of stuff from that era that has since become public, and reading up on those can give you the necessary idea of what was going on at the time and events around which to write the campaign... as well as background events you will want to mention as part of the campaign immersion.

Also, do not be afraid to go to your local VA and ask about talking to some vets about their experiences. They will give you an entirely different perspective to the official files, and one that will be quite key to representing how the soldiers on the ground acted. Some of what they tell you may be horrific, and you can expect to learn a lot about how racist American soldiers were during that war, but the overall feel can give you a campaign that is truly memorable.

MagusJanus, It is funny that you mention Savage Worlds since that is the system we were using in my dream. Also, thank you for the advice.

I mentioned it because you mentioned the ruleset and it occurred to me that the ruleset is perfect for this ;)

Also, if you can, see if you can ask about journals and letters from that era. Not just the military ones, but also ones from civilians. Some of the stuff written is rather heart-wrenching, and sometimes you'll find soldiers did actions considered heroic that would normally be treason (Hugh Thompson, Jr., Lawrence Colburn and Glenn Andreotta are all examples).

There is a lot of material from that war for you to cover just about any mission you can imagine.

The Things They Carried

As an additional voice making the VA research recommendation, I would also advise taking a look at GURPS Illuminati, purely for the amount of assembled information on some of the most notable thematic operations and projects from the era. Not only is the insight into Bluebird and MKULTRA invaluable, but there citations and references a-plenty, plus tasty tasty Fortean goodness.

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