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The Savage Technologist interests me, but I have some rules questions:
- In the Additional Resources, it clearly states that No character may purchase a firearm unless she possesses the Gunsmithing feat and firearms are never considered Always Available. But, this archetype doesn't get Gunsmithing. Do I need to take the feat to buy a gun, or is this an oversight? I don't get a gun for free, like the Gunslinger does, but I am also unable to buy one unless I spring for a feat.
- Similarly, I see a contradiction in the Rapid Reload feat and how to reload firearms: Rapid Reload says The time required for you to reload your chosen type of weapon is reduced to a free action (for a hand or light crossbow), a move action (for heavy crossbow or one-handed firearm), or a standard action (two-handed firearm), while the Firearms section makes a distinction between early firearms and advanced firearms. How does this work? Also, for this specific build, stacking alchemical cartridges and Rapid Reload won't work, right? I'd be taking a Pistol (the only one-handed gun I'm allowed), which is already a move action. If I wanted to reduce it, what would you suggest, springing for alchemical cartridges, or the feat? It's going to cost me a lot of money in the end, but the feat tax is also very taxing, as I already need Point-Blank and Precise Shot to start with.
- Any advice for builds? Tiefling seems best, as he can retrieve a gun for free, but I don't have one grandfathered. I was thinking of going Human, to get PBS and Precise Shot out of the way. Maybe even dropping STR and going Weapon Finesse (DEX gets boosted anyway), but that's an extra feat to take on an already feat-intensive build. Maybe a level dip in Pistolero, but that seems the obvious choice and I want to stay away from that.

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You need to take Gunsmithing to get the gun. It is not an oversight.
You can stack Rapid Reload and alchemical cartridges. There are ways to get reloading down to a free action.
Don't worry about anything about advanced firearms. They don't apply to PFS.
There are guides around. Here are a few.

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I just chose to dip one level of Gunslinger for my Savage Technologist.
Yeah, this is going to be your best option for PFS play. It opens up important abilities like Quick Clear, gives you a free firearm which you wouldn't be able to afford for a long time in otherwise and saves you a feat or two.

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Bartholomäus wrote:I just chose to dip one level of Gunslinger for my Savage Technologist.Yeah, this is going to be your best option for PFS play. It opens up important abilities like Quick Clear, gives you a free firearm which you wouldn't be able to afford for a long time in otherwise and saves you a feat or two.
The alternative would be spending your first 2 PP for a coat pistol, as the cost of that weapon is low enough to purchase for 2 PP.