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What does "your ship" mean? Does it mean:
(a) a ship you are commanding,
(b) a ship you are on,
(c) the party's ship, regardless of where you are at the time,
or something else?
Some examples of where this comes into play are:
- When is Jirelle's ability to reduce structural damage applied? Is it applied only during her turn? Any time she is on the ship? Is it applied if she encounters a card that does structural damage during someone else's turn? What if someone else encounters a card that does structural damage during her turn? Or is it applied to any structural damage done to the party's ship, wherever?
- When is the "at this location" effect of Tempest Cay applied? I would assume this would be to any encounter that occurs at that location, is that right? (If "your ship" meant the party's ship no matter what, this could be read to say that if a character is at the location, then the party's ship takes 1 more structural damage from anything, even if the thing that did the damage happened at a completely different location.)
- When the Jolly Roger is played, does it affect everyone's checks to defeat ships, or just the player who played it? Can you play the Jolly Roger if you are not on the ship?
- What happens if you are playing a scenario where your ship is anchored, and you move to a different location from where your ship is anchored, and encounter something that does something to "your ship" (like structural damage)?

Hawkmoon269 |

What does "your ship" mean? Does it mean:
(a) a ship you are commanding,
(b) a ship you are on,
(c) the party's ship, regardless of where you are at the time,or something else?
Place Your Party’s Ship. In Skull & Shackles, your party always has a ship. Choose one ship that’s been checked off on your party’s fleet card; that becomes your ship.
Some examples of where this comes into play are:
- When is Jirelle's ability to reduce structural damage applied? Is it applied only during her turn? Any time she is on the ship? Is it applied if she encounters a card that does structural damage during someone else's turn? What if someone else encounters a card that does structural damage during her turn? Or is it applied to any structural damage done to the party's ship, wherever?
Anytime structural damage is dealt to the party's ship, no matter who caused it or where Jirelle is or where the person who cause it is or if the ship is anchored or not.
- When is the "at this location" effect of Tempest Cay applied? I would assume this would be to any encounter that occurs at that location, is that right? (If "your ship" meant the party's ship no matter what, this could be read to say that if a character is at the location, then the party's ship takes 1 more structural damage from anything, even if the thing that did the damage happened at a completely different location.)
I read the Tempest Cay to apply when the cause of the damage is at the Tempest Cay.
- When the Jolly Roger is played, does it affect everyone's checks to defeat ships, or just the player who played it? Can you play the Jolly Roger if you are not on the ship?
Everyone's checks. And yes, you can play it when not on the ship unless it says you have to play it while on a ship.
- What happens if you are playing a scenario where your ship is anchored, and you move to a different location from where your ship is anchored, and encounter something that does something to "your ship" (like structural damage)?

Hawkmoon269 |

Yeah. I'm not 100% sure on Tempest Cay. There was a thread on BGG about it, but nothing even semi-official. And to be more in line with game terms, I'm basically treating it as if the location said "While on a ship, If your ship is dealt structural damage, increase the damage by 1." But the BGG thread makes a good argument about comparing the wording to Jirelle's power.
So to summarize, I guess the question now is (1) whether the location's power applies when you aren't on a ship. (I'd have to agree that the wording as is would technically be yes.) And (2) if multiple characters are at the location, does it increase by 1 for each character.
By the way, here is a thread with some discussion from Mike and Vic about "your ship". Mike points out the "your ship" thing in the rulebook, which is what first drew my attention to it.

Dave Riley |

I can see how Tempest Cay especially could cause some confusion. We've played like Andrew and Hawkmoon, any encounter there increases the damage. So if something elsewhere on a different player's turn caused a character at Tempest Cay to summon and encounter a ship (or a pirate captain, say), we'd increase resulting structural damage, but if a character at Fringes of the Eye happened to encounter a pirate captain while someone else was waiting at Tempest Cay, we wouldn't increase structural damage then. The former case hasn't happened to us, I can't think of anything offhand that would make it so, but if it came up that's how we'd play it.
I think the location would definitely increase damage even if you weren't on a ship (Bucket Brigade does damage even if you encounter it while your ship is harbored at another location) but I wouldn't go out of my way to increase damage just because Jirelle's hanging out there while Damiel's off doing something at the Harbor.

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Well, you played like Hawkmoon, Dave. I count all damage as long as someone is at the location, no matter where the damage is or what caused it. The location text doesn't say anything about limiting it to damage taken at the Tempest Cat, only that it's limited to taking effect while someone is there. Your ship is always your ship whether you're on it or not, no matter what the circumstances are. Your ship takes extra damage, but no limitations are on the location.

Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |

Right. The part I had to check with Vic was "Can a location power trigger more than once at a time?" and we both believe that the answer is that, like character powers, such a power would only be read once. But it's certainly not obvious, which may lead to us poking at the rules to make sure that is the case.

nondeskript |

To make sure I'm understanding this, if any character is at the Tempest Cay and the ship is dealt structural damage, increase by 1? Even if the character at Tempest Cay isn't the active character?
Such as, if Valeros is at Shark Island and Lem is at Tempest Cay, it is Valeros' turn and he fails a check against a Ship card, we increase the structural damage by 1 because Lem is at TC even though he wasn't involved in the encounter?
It does make sense, as a counter-balance to Jirelle's damage negation passive, just hadn't occurred to me that I needed to pay attention to where characters are that aren't involved. I had always assumed that the powers for a location only matter when the player at the location is somehow involved in the encounter or otherwise "active". Have there been other "passive" location powers that would trigger even if the player at the location wasn't involved in what was happening?

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Per Tempest Cay:
I checked with Vic, and we both believe the At This Location power means that if you are at Tempest Cay, and your ship anywhere is dealt Structural damage, add 1 regardless of the number of characters at Tempest Cay.
I am interested in ideas about how we can make that more clear. (Ideally ones that don't involve adding lots of words to the location.)

Frencois |

...I am interested in ideas about how we can make that more clear. (Ideally ones that don't involve adding lots of words to the location.)
Don't know how to put that in perfect English, but can't you make it a general rule rather than changing different cards? Something in the spirit of:
Unless instructed otherwise (like if the card explicitely says something like "any characters at that location must start her turn by..."), a location power applies once per turn if at least one character (may not be the character whose turn it is) is present in that location at the start of the turn.
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Vic Wertz wrote:...I am interested in ideas about how we can make that more clear. (Ideally ones that don't involve adding lots of words to the location.)Don't know how to put that in perfect English, but can't you make it a general rule rather than changing different cards? Something in the spirit of:
Unless instructed otherwise (like if the card explicitely says something like "any characters at that location must start her turn by..."), a location power applies once per turn if at least one character (may not be the character whose turn it is) is present in that location at the start of the turn.
That gets a bit too specific. But I do agree that it is more of a generic rule rather than to that particular location card.
For powers listed on a location card that do not include "start of the player's turn" or similar wording, the power is applied only once if one or more players are at that location (unless specified otherwise.)
They don't have to be there at the start of the turn for the power to be active when the situation occurs. (i.e. "Damage done to a ship is increased by 1" happens whether the player started there or was moved there prior to the damage occurring.)

Frencois |

That gets a bit too specific. But I do agree that it is more of a generic rule rather than to that particular location card.
For powers listed on a location card that do not include "start of the player's turn" or similar wording, the power is applied only once if one or more players are at that location (unless specified otherwise.)
They don't have to be there at the start of the turn for the power to be active when the situation occurs. (i.e. "Damage done to a ship is increased by 1" happens whether the player started there or was moved there prior to the damage occurring.)
Much better than my previous version.

Firedale2002 |

Your wording of "once per turn" doesn't quite fit with what seems to be the intent.
What if, during two different explores on the same turn, you encountered two different banes that did ship damage.
I believe the intent is that damage from each one is increased by 1, so it'd be 2 extra damage (one for each bane). However, if you applied a once per turn effect like what you're talking about, not only would that increase in damage be reduced to 1, but you'd also have to remember for your entire turn so you'd know if you already encountered something that dealt damage to your ship (which is against the process already apparent in the game and many posts by the designers).

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Added to FAQ: "If this location is occupied, Structural damage to your ship at any location is increased by 1."