Nested OOC / DICE / URL problem occured

Website Feedback

Hello sysadmins, (attention: Cort!)
Firefox 31.1.1
Windows XP 64-bit

I was doing the usual PbP today, when I had an error occur. I nested an URL inside a DICE inside an OOC comment (not the original, but fixed text here. It's the "plus grab with constrict" line.). I hit "Preview", and that's when it got screwy.

I couldn't edit the text, and hovering the mouse pointer over it caused all the text to act like it was a picture, like a JPG. I could "hold" the left mouse button-click and "move" the text off-window, just like a picture. Actually clicking anywhere on the text made it open a new Tab on Firefox to the last URL in the text. I was really in a quandary, with multiple tabs popping up on Firefox, but fortunately the "Preview" and "Submit" buttons still worked, so I hit "Submit" and started analyzing the problem.

Once I hit "Submit" and did NOT hover the mouse pointer over the text, I was able to get an edit "straight line" at the beginning of the text. So I could edit by just using the arrow keys on my keyboard go to to the offending "plus grab with constrict" line and start un-nesting the URL from the DICE from the OOC until the problem stopped. My players in my PbP did notice the problem, and at least one got concerned enough to private message me about it before I could fix it in time.

I was unaware that the URL would "run off the page" and cause this problem to the entire text in the edit window. Is this a bug to be fixed, or just something to avoid in the future?

(Cort's name give to me by player!)

Development Manager

Well, ignoring that much nesting creating wormholes, it's certainly something for us to look at. I'll add it to our bug queue but probably best not do that again until we can get someone working on it :).

Thanks, Cort. It was a random "add special attack after damage, and add a die roll to it" post, so I don't think I'll be doing that often. :)

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