MightyJim |

If you defeat the barrier Lookout Duty, you are allowed to look at the top-card of your location deck and, if it's a monster, immediately encounter it.
At the Fog Bank, if you look at cards in the deck, you have to shuffle the deck.
Does Lookout Duty allow you to encounter the Monster BEFORE you have to shuffle, or does it disappear the instant you look at it?

Frencois |

If you defeat the barrier Lookout Duty, you are allowed to look at the top-card of your location deck and, if it's a monster, immediately encounter it.
At the Fog Bank, if you look at cards in the deck, you have to shuffle the deck.
Does Lookout Duty allow you to encounter the Monster BEFORE you have to shuffle, or does it disappear the instant you look at it?
I would say yes based on the golden rule that you have to finish something before going to the next.
So you have to finish the Lookout power that says examine and encounter if, before you go back to the location power that says if you did examine, then shuffle.
Actually Lookout is a very good barrier to have in Fog Bank because it helps you having a pretty good knowledge on what's in that location. In certain scenarios, it may even be worthwhile not to defeat it immediately.

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If defeated, you may look at the top card of the barrier's location deck; if it is a monster, you may immediately encounter it.
Frencois is correct. The barrier allows you to encounter the monster immediately. If it is not a monster or you choose not to encounter the monster, some shuffling will occur.

Hawkmoon269 |

I'd say that if you defeat Lookout Duty, one of 4 things will happen at the Fog Bank.
1. You choose not to utilize the Lookout Duty's power.
2. You choose to utilize the Lookout Duty's power, but the top card isn't a monster. So you put it back and shuffle the location.
3. You choose to utilize the Lookout Duty's power, the top card is a monster, but you choose not to encounter it. So you put it back and shuffle the location.
4. You choose to utilize the Lookout Duty's power, the top card is a monster, and you choose to encounter it. After the encounter ends, you shuffle the location (which would probably have happened anyway if the monster was undefeated).

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4. You choose to utilize the Lookout Duty's power, the top card is a monster, and you choose to encounter it. After the encounter ends, you shuffle the location (which would probably have happened anyway if the monster was undefeated).
Yeah, I'm sure you're right about shuffling after the encounter even though the top card was a monster.

Fayries |

After you play a card or use a power that examines cards in this location deck, shuffle it.
If defeated, you may look at the top card of the barrier's location deck; if it is a monster, you may immediately encounter it.
What is this strange action, "looking"? I couldn't find it defined in the rulebook. Sure, "looking" is part of "Examining and Searching", put as something you do when you examine, I wouldn't say you're examining when you're looking…
My point is: Lookout Duty obviously doesn't make you examine anything. Is this:
a) clever wording related to the barrier's name, giving Looking Duty a very special way of examining location decks without falling in pit traps like Fog Bank's, or
b) an oversight, and Lookout Duty should be brought back in line and made using the exact word "examine"?

StrykerWolf |
Wait a second - Fog Bank says that if you play a card or use a power to examine the deck, you have to reshuffle. Lookout duty is neither of those. I've been playing that Lookout Duty in the Fog Bank doesn't reshuffle for that reason. Is that incorrect? If so, the text should be modified to say that if you examine any card in the deck you reshuffle.

Hawkmoon269 |

Sounds like you guys were playing with the Blessing of Selinker. And maybe more than one of them.