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Longshot11 wrote:
I actually like to get Lini a (particular) melee weapon. I think it is the Scythe+1(?). Anyway, it turns all d4s that roll a 4 into a 5. There is also a loot weapon early in AP5 (Fanged Falchion) that turns all d4s that roll a 4 into a 6. Give Lini that, and toss a blessing her way, and she is rolling 5-6 d4 + animal bonus + weapon bonus + str bonus. (d4 strength, d4 animal, and 2d4 weapon plus any dice from blessings) I think both of those weapons require weapon proficiency to use optimally, but that's usually my 3rd power feat for her anyway (after maxing her animal bonus, since I know I'll be going for those weapons). Without the animal or strength bonus, you have an expected value of 12 and 14 with those two weapons respectively, without a blessing, and with fairly low variance. That's good enough for most mobs in RotR, allowing you to save your spells for the villains or henchmen. Add a plus 3-4 for your animal bonus, and maybe a point in strength, and you can almost auto-defeat many mobs, and stand a decent chance against a number of henchmen or villains. ![]()
Rebel Song wrote: But you're INVINCIBLE! This immediately made me think of that hacker guy in Goldeneye (first Pierce Brosnan as James Bond movie for those of you who aren't familiar) right before a bunch of liquid N2 pours over him freezing him into his victory pose... Depending on which barrier or bane you hit, it's something like that. ![]()
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Theryon hit it on the head right here - I mostly lurk in the boards pretty regularly, but I was actually planning on stopping my subscription until this announcement (I just hadn't had time to call Paizo yet). I still haven't finished WotR due to lack of time (2 really young kids), and don't want to get into another AP immediately (due to funds, time, and the stack of unplayed games I have piling up). I would have initially intended to pick up my subscription again for the next AP, but the reality of it is, once I stopped my subscription, I'd stop visiting the boards, and the likelihood of me actually remembering to re-subscribe in 9 months is pretty low, since I have no other connection to the Pathfinder universe. The scenario kind of reminds me of my move to my current location - my family had cable TV previously, but didn't get it at our new home. As my wife pointed out, before the move, she couldn't imagine life without cable, but after a couple of months, she didn't miss it at all. As much as I enjoy PACG, there are a ton of great games out there - if I don't have a subscription anymore, likely I don't miss it after missing an AP. So, the key is to not have people drop in the first place. People aren't going to drop a subscription due to less content, but could easily drop it due to being overwhelmed with content. ![]()
Karloch wrote:
Being a developer myself, you generally want to take what development says about release dates with a grain of salt. We all tend to think that our code will be perfect (or at least good enough) the first time, and also have a tendency to underestimate the amount of effort it takes to do something (We also have a tendency to downplay the severity of bugs in our code). Unless we get something official that says 2015, I wouldn't take a post by a developer as gospel truth, at least not on timelines. ![]()
Don't forget that Padraig (Balazar's Eidolon) can also interact with monsters in Balazars hand to add to combat checks. You may wish to discard a spell or two to pick up a monster or two to have them ready in case you have to fight something, but then want to try to do something else once the danger has passed. I've found that I get the most use out of this power with arcane spells with the attack trait that I've managed to pick up (or even divine spells), since Balazar would banish them anyway upon use - particularly if I want to keep them around for another character. Crowe loves new arcane attack spells, but Balazar is a bit better at acquiring them. Anyway, the power is situational, but sometimes useful. ![]()
In my team of 4 for RotR, I hit one of the AP6 bosses with a spell - I think holy light, along with Lini's animal reveal, several other allies for 1d6/1d8, Merisel firing a bow into combat, Aid spell from Seelah, a Blizzard and Wand of Inervation from Seoni, and 4 2 die blessings (2 Pharisma, 2 Lashmatu). So, 9d10, 6d6, 1d8, 3d4 + 14 Expected value is 97 (max 160), actually rolled 135ish ![]()
Frencois wrote:
Actually, depends on how many characters are playing. Given Pirate Rob's theoretical character with hand size 0, you would almost certainly die if playing solo, unless there is some mechanic to ensure recharging or reshuffling of discards. Assuming having to explore 5 times per location on average and 2 moves, that is 17 cards that are required to be drawn on average (32 worst case scenario, assuming all banes are defeated first go). ![]()
Frencois wrote:
It would have to be replaced, otherwise you are making the location easier. You only need to match one trait of the damage for protection to work. For example, if you have an armor that reduces combat damage, it works if at least one of the traits of the damage is combat (it works on both combat damage and ranged combat damage). Using your example, it follows that Fire Magic Ranged Combat damage could be reduced by that armor (or an armor that reduced fire damage or magic damage or poison damage). ![]()
Longshot11 wrote:
Depends on what they were trying to do - in some cases you can add an additional skill to a check (such as with Poison Flasks, etc. from S&S). In that case as Damiel, could you be considered to be 'using' the Craft(Int) skill, even though the check is a Ranged Combat check because you have added your Craft skill to the check? I would also note that if the 1d6 doesn't apply to the derivative skills, the Knights of Kenabres do practically nothing. Even in combat checks, most of the time you'll be doing the check with your melee, ranged, arcane or divine skill. EDIT for spelling. ![]()
You are mis-interpreting the power. In all fairness there are almost multiple ways it could be interpreted (silly English), but Vic and Mike have stated that you only get the bonus for one check. When you attempt a check, you may display any number of allies; for each Ally displayed add 1 (◻ 2) to the check. 1) (Bubbe's interpretation) For every check, determine how many displayed allies there are - take a bonus for each ally. In this case "displayed" is an adjective. For this to be the correct interpretation, you would need to switch the word "Ally" with the word "displayed" (and even then, the interpretation could be argued either way) 2) (Correct Interpretation) The act of displaying the ally is what gets you the bonus. You therefore do not get the bonus for a single ally on multiple checks. In this case the word "displayed" is being used as a verb, not an adjective. The rule about displaying cards on pg 10 is a non-sequitur for this conversation. As First World Bard has already stated, you aren't using the power on the ally to get the bonus, the bonus comes from the action of displaying the ally (unless you had an ally that said while displayed you get a bonus to all checks - in that case you could get the bonus the entire time the ally is displayed) ![]()
You have some feats in the base that don't appear in the Tactician of the Holy Light Role card and one for the Mystery Cultist as well. If I select recharge to add to a check at another location, what happens to that power feat once I get a role card? If it sticks around, a reveal to add 1d4+X to any combat role anywhere is OP. Tne divine skill for Mystery Cultist doesn't really work - you've got a base d4, with a max skill bonus of +1. We're looking at a max roll of 10 for divine, with 3 power feats after getting the role card (and a max of one spell). I'd add burying corrupted blessings to the base card - you've got it on both roles, why not on the base as well? Just looking at the roles, I can't imagine taking the Mystery Cultist - the extra hand size is nice, but there isn't really anything else I'd want. ![]()
Paul de Senquisse wrote:
Let's try some formal logic here. The way the card is written, we are saying: A OR B = TRUE A = Succeed at Check
If A is TRUE, then B may be either TRUE or FALSE - it's your choice.
The exception would be if the OR was actually an XOR, but that doesn't seem to make sense in this case. In plain English - logically speaking, it is always acceptable to put the examined card on the bottom, regardless of the status of the check. ![]()
Wait a second - Fog Bank says that if you play a card or use a power to examine the deck, you have to reshuffle. Lookout duty is neither of those. I've been playing that Lookout Duty in the Fog Bank doesn't reshuffle for that reason. Is that incorrect? If so, the text should be modified to say that if you examine any card in the deck you reshuffle. ![]()
Myfly wrote:
Depends on how you count - If Lini A is identical twins with Lini B, but Lini C is fraternal to the other 2, that could sort of work... Although I don't know how you'd count the number of fraternal siblings at that point. ![]()
I'm not sure that I care so much about whether the release schedule is monthly or bi-monthly. I care more about the volume of content that is released in a year. If Paizo were to release 2 complete APs in a single year, that would probably be too much content for me, both in expense and in time. What would almost certainly happen is that I would discontinue my subscription for an AP, intending to start back up again with the next AP. But then I would likely never pick it up again because I will get distracted by something else. If Paizo would continue to release about 1.5 APs in a single year (what they are doing right now), I'm ok with that. It gives me a little less time to completely explore sending multiple parties through each AP, but still gives me sufficient time to at least run through once or twice prior to the new AP starting, and still give me some time for other gaming. A couple of months buffer between the end of one AP and the start of the next gives sufficient time to finish 1-2 run-throughs, assuming a monthly release cycle. If Paizo were to release only 1 AP per year (bi-monthly), that might actually be a bit on the slow side for me. I do think there is sufficient content in a given AP for a year's worth of plays, and a full year would give me sufficient time to completely explore all of it, but I will also start to get bored. For example, with RotR, I ran 3 different parties of 4 all the way through (and more parties through up to the 4th/5th pack). It started to get a bit stale after that. So, to sum up, I like what Paizo is doing right now - having the monthly subscription makes sure that I always have some new content to work with, but the break between APs gives me sufficient time to wrap up the previous AP before starting the new one. Without that break, I might not continue my subscription. ![]()
My subscription is still showing that I will be receiving another copy of Skull and Shackles base set in my September shipment, even though my August copy has been processed and shipped. I really don't feel like I want (ok, well, want to pay for) a second copy, and payment authorization is coming up soon. Will this issue be addressed before then? |