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"An action" in pathfinder is something stablished: its free, swift, standard, move or full round action.
It's not really up for debate, it's already been held and the developers weighed in. I'm letting the OP know that per RAW it DOES double the amount of attacks and that's what the developers clarified during the playtest.

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Kaisc 006. Do you have the Double barrled guns text of the playtest document? Also I just remembered double barreled weapons are not used on PFS
No, I do not have the text. I don't have time to wade through the pfs guide atm but This Thread suggests they are legal since it was in September and no one stated otherwise. Also, the players offer the same advice as myself (not super effective because both barrels explode & suffers a high misfire rate).
I believe the only double weapon outlawed is the double hackbut.

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From the Gunslinger playtest:
Pistol, Double Barrel: This pistol
has two parallel barrels; each
barrel can be shot independently
as a separate action, whereas both
barrels can be shot at once with the
same action. If both barrels are shot
at once, they both must target the same
creature or object, and the pistol becomes
wildly inaccurate, taking a –4 penalty to
each shot.

HectorVivis |

It seems they kept the same writing on the double-barreled pistol, which differ from the db-musket and db-shotgun.
Still, when they mention "attacks", I read it as what an attack mean for them: an attack roll. Like when they talk about sneak attacks and stuff. It seems pretty limpid to me (no offense).
For the db-pistol, it's strange, because they don't mention what action they are talking about.
Anyway, they completely messed up in UCombat IMO, you just have to read about the eastern weapons, or think about the piece meal armors. I was really upset when they didn't correct those strange wordings for UEquiment.
Hopefully, I heard they will make an errata for UEquiment soon.
For the "useless" deed, you can use it with firearms you didn't take the rapid reload feat for. Or, if you like to snipe with vital strike, you can forgo the rapid reload feat and just rely on that deed.

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I stand corrected, its possible the author actually meant to double attacks with double firearms, still the fact all three db firearms have different wordings puzzle me, i will assume its a typo. Im concerned about the balance this ruling has however, specially in the case of db pistols. Hopefully someone will adress this (i dont think so however)
Lighting reload is quite underwhelming for a level 11 deed. Is like when samurai get ranged feats when obviously almost none of his class features work at range. Anyway most of the deeds are terrible (looking at you deadshot, how much i wish this was worth using) so this is following a pattern.

HectorVivis |

Lighting reload is quite underwhelming for a level 11 deed. Is like when samurai get ranged feats when obviously almost none of his class features work at range. Anyway most of the deeds are terrible (looking at you deadshot, how much i wish this was worth using) so this is following a pattern.
for the samurai, it gives versatility. You can't always go in melee. It's nice to have some ranged viable options, especially when flying monsters become quite common.
For the deadshot, it amuses me because I think it is pretty cool. It's a potential better version of a vital strike, and it costs far less money (one thing that IMO cripple the class, the price of ammunitions) than a full-attack. Enchant a couple of ammunitions with very specific enchantments, like ghost touch, bane, or else, and use that deed to beat the crap out of your target. Great way to make use of a Improved critical feat too.
And it's interesting to non-gunslingers*, or to pick up a firearm you didn't specialized into to make virtual full-attack with lighting reload deeds. When your GM disarm or sunder you, it's good to have that.
*We have a cohort ranger (Trophy hunter) in one of my group that rely on this dead to shoot everything at sight. It's far less likely to blow up, thing that happened too much time before.

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For the deadshot, it amuses me because I think it is pretty cool. It's a potential better version of a vital strike, and it costs far less money (one thing that IMO cripple the class, the price of ammunitions) than a full-attack. Enchant a couple of ammunitions with very specific enchantments, like ghost touch, bane, or else, and use that deed to beat the crap out of your target. Great way to make use of a Improved critical feat too.
Vital Strike doesnt costs grit, also vital strike is a standard action. In any case Vital Strike is strictly better than Deadshot and if you feel like using your full round action a full attack does much more damage. Its the only class feature that actually reads as "50 gp this turn". Even if you are focusing on carrying a lot of +5 bullets vital strike is way much better. Sure you can try to make it work, such as you can try to make work rock throwing, i think someone did a really efficient way to use it. Interestingly the best aplications of deadshot is trought the use of cannons, since you dont have to reload them and is impossible to reload them as a free action, this deed becomes much better. However obviously this is quite impractical. An after one shot you are stucked with a really heavy siege weapon that takes a lot of time to reload.

HectorVivis |

I like vital strike a lot myself. I argued a lot with my friend when he made his cohort trophy hunter, and was pretty more in favor of Vital Strike.
Still, as he pointed, you need a far more feats to keep it interesting.
I think both are great, just need to be addressed differently.
Anyway, even when you don't build around them, I think those deeds are pretty nice. Not the best around maybe, but still. And because you have dead shot "free", you know you can take some special bullets, and use them effectively.
But I'm concerned about your siege engine. Can you use deed with siege engine ? It seems silly. IIRC, you can only use them with firearms, and even gunpowder-based engine siege are not considered firearms.

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A quick search showed that no you cant use it for guns powered seige engines, which is weird considering how gunslinger are proficient with them. Well i guess thats one more point for vital strike.
And yes you are right you get all the deeds so one extra doesnt hurt, however there are far much better deeds and far more better things to do with grit. Personally the only case I see using it is when im down to one single bullet

Amrel |

kaisc006 wrote:...Unless there's a ruling otherwise, per RAW dou
You are completely wrong,
first, penalties stack, always
second :
Double Pistol wrote:Its
This pistol has two parallel barrels; each barrel can be fired independently as a separate action, or both can be shot at once with the same action.If both barrels are shot at once, they must both target the same creature or object, and the pistol becomes wildly inaccurate, imparting a –4 penalty on each shot.
True, penalties to the same action stack. But the following lines "pistol becomes wildly inaccurate, imparting a –4 penalty on each shot" clearly reference a single firing of both barrels, hence the lines "If both barrels are shot at once, they must both target the same creature or object, and the pistol becomes wildly inaccurate." As such both shots from that pistol for that firing of both barrels would take a -4, as the penalty is applied "on each shot" and not "for each shot taken"