There's A Dragon In Germany! World's Biggest Walking Robot Offers Scale For Dragons!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

For those of you who haven't heard of the play Drachenstich, it's an annual pageant that goes on in Germany every year. For this play they have a 51-foot long, 11 ton beast that is the world's largest walking robot. It also breathes fire, just as a bonus! So if you've ever wanted to see a real-world example of a creature that's Huge by weight, or Gargantuan by length, then check out this video!

Cool. Thank you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would ride that into work... Every day.

Speaking of riding dragons, silly question in case folks here know the answer. Will likely be re-posting to rules questions as well.

Leadership allows you to get a young dragon as a mount, assuming you're level 18. Is it possible to ride a very young dragon (if you're a small creature) at a smaller level requirement (say 12 or 14)? Putting together the long game for my character in the next campaign, and I don't want to ask for too many special dispensations.

With PF 3PP you can, there are Rogue Genius Games Dragonriders as a new class, Rite Publishing offers In the Company of Dragons where you can be a PC dragon that is balanced with the rest of the party and even serve as a mount, if you want. And Geek Industrial Complex offers Companions of the Firmament that consolidates all PF Core rules on flight and falling, includes additional rules to clean things up and offer awesome and cinematic options - becoming a definitive source for flying combat in PF.

I have all 3 products in my games and are all awesome options, but don't believe me, read the reviews.

gamer-printer wrote:

With PF 3PP you can, there are Rogue Genius Games Dragonriders as a new class, Rite Publishing offers In the Company of Dragons where you can be a PC dragon that is balanced with the rest of the party and even serve as a mount, if you want. And Geek Industrial Complex offers Companions of the Firmament that consolidates all PF Core rules on flight and falling, includes additional rules to clean things up and offer awesome and cinematic options - becoming a definitive source for flying combat in PF.

I have all 3 products in my games and are all awesome options, but don't believe me, read the reviews.

Advice is appreciated and titles have been noted, but generally speaking I try to scour all core stuff before I request 3rd party products. While there's nothing wrong with them (I've had a hand in making some), being allowed to use 3rd party stuff in the games I play is a big favor from the DM.

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