Questions about Grapple, Bullrush and Charge


Hi everybody, my question is how i can make a sumo fight in Pathfinder?. They fight each other grapping and push them back. Other example is a fight between komodo dragons, like this

How i can do this? both characters must be grapple and then they must do a bullrush? or holding a charge/bullrush/overrun with a charge/bullrush/grapple

And the question about Charge is, charging doesnt provoke an attack of oportunity but the classic "the target of the charge step aside and the charger miss", the target can do something? And, while someone charge, another person can interecept the charge?


I'd say bull rush, grapple then move, and reposition are all straight-forward means of simulating sumo combat. There is also 'drag', but I don't know of any way that could be practical in a sumo fight.

You can drag your opponent around in a grapple: it's the "move the target up to have your speed" option.

If you haven't yet, check out the grappling details her3. It's a 3rd party site, but the grappling flow charts are good. The other combat maneuvers on that page might also help you piece together what you're after.

Thanks you very much, sorry for the late response

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