I'm looking for X recipe

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

DeciusBrutus wrote:

Seeing the amount of bartering going on: if we can assign a sane value in copper to each of the things people want and have, then the market will help handle things.

"Sane" prices do not mean "prices that everyone can afford". They mean "prices that people who have stuff are happy to sell it in roughly the same amount as other people are willing to buy it".

Do you mean copper ore or copper the coin ?

Copper ore will work as a standard.

Sane prices in coin are not going to happen at present. Coin is easy to come buy (an hour or so leveling some achieves in one of those proto-settlement goblin filled training hexes will easily fetch a few hundred copper along with a stack of other goodies) and there is absolutely nothing to currently spend it on.

The proposed AH changes in EE 4 may change that.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Neadenil Edam wrote:
DeciusBrutus wrote:

Seeing the amount of bartering going on: if we can assign a sane value in copper to each of the things people want and have, then the market will help handle things.

"Sane" prices do not mean "prices that everyone can afford". They mean "prices that people who have stuff are happy to sell it in roughly the same amount as other people are willing to buy it".

Do you mean copper ore or copper the coin ?

Copper ore will work as a standard.

Sane prices in coin are not going to happen at present. Coin is easy to come buy (an hour or so leveling some achieves in one of those proto-settlement goblin filled training hexes will easily fetch a few hundred copper along with a stack of other goodies) and there is absolutely nothing to currently spend it on.

The proposed AH changes in EE 4 may change that.

That just means that the market has to extract that much coin from adventurers, somehow.

Goblin Squad Member

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The Keeper's Library is now open for business. If you are looking for a specific recipe, feel free to shoot me a PM with your needs. We have over 640 recipes available at present, and are willing to trade for other recipes/materials/items or sell directly for Silver. Once the Auction House functionality shifts with EEv4, we'll keep some stock there as well.

The Library is also beginning to stock Expendables so check in if you are looking for a specific spell or maneuver.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member


2 Acolyte's Elemental Focus
2 Acolyte's Elemental Foe
2 Disciple's Anarchic Charge
5 Disciple's Charge Gem
5 Disciple's Holy Charge

2 Weak Varnish +1
2 Clerk's Ink +2
2 Clerk's Ink +2
3 Weak Flammable Extract +1
3 Weak Sanguine Extract +2
3 Weak Tonic Extract +1
?? and another Weak Extract +1 I didn't write down before server downtime

1 Decorative Gem +1
1 Decorative Gem +1
2 Lesser Vital +2

4 Fine Chain Belt

2 Sepia Crystal +2
2 Azure Crystal +1
3 Azure Crystal +2
4 Golden Crystal +1

1 Novice's Charge Gem
1 Novice's Charge Gem
1 Novice's Charge Gem
4 Apprentice's Somatic Staff
5 Disciple's Unholy Charge

4 Apprentice Pox Burster

1 Firewood +1
1 Firewood +1

2 Steel Plate +1
2 Steel Ingot +2

2 Yew and Iron Splint
2 Yew and Iron Splint

Weaponsmith (currently thinking of making a WS so may charge a lil more for these)
3 Student's Holdout Weapon
5 Cold Iron Rapier
5 Silvered Iron Spear
6 Silvered Iron Shortsword

6 Expert's Toolkit

6 Sturdy Bracers

will trade recipe for recipe or Coal for recipe(s)


any + Steel Wire
Dwarven Steel Wire

any + Leather Sheets
Strips +2

just about all of em lol

any + Coarse Padding
Hemp Twine +3

Short Sword

Ornate Steel Plate
Oak and Steel Splint
Muffled Steel Shirt

Boiled Leather

Goblin Squad Member

I have a few you seek

I have 2 steel wire +3 recipes for trade in Keeper's Pass...pm for details. Note: I have all T1 recipes for trade, just specifying steel wire +3 because of rarity.

Goblin Squad Member

I am looking for the Ornamental Gem +1 recipe. Please PM if willing to sell/trade.

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