Sandara Quinn - how to use

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

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On the Sandara Quinn card it says "If you fail a combat check, you may reveal this card to immediately recharge a card"

I don't quite get the point of this - Is she suppose to act as a damage modifier (for example, if you take 3 damage, you can use her power, and you negate the damage), or is there something else going on that I don't understand?

It sounds to me like it is meant to save one card in your hand from going to the discard pile in the event of a total hand wipe. If you fail a combat check, and the damage will be enough to send your entire hand to the discard pile, you reveal this card before taking damage in order to recharge one card instead of putting it in the discard pile.

This sounds like a horrible card to me. Certainly not worthy of a place in any deck, but MIGHT (though probably not) come in handy later during the turn in which she is acquired from a location deck. I would certainly not keep her in my hand any longer than that...

You've got the right idea. It lets you save something from you hand that you might lose. And I wouldn't discount it. With some of the nasty things in Skull and Shackles, even if you aren't threatened with a total hand wipe, it might be important to save a card. Monsters could force you to bury random cards from your hand when undefeated, or they could force you to discard certain types of cars. Heck, maybe we'll even see something that makes you banish cards if undefeated. Who knows.

Lantern Lodge

The Shadow knows.

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