Divinity? *Spoilers*

Iron Gods

Anyone have any clue as to how big Divinity was as in actual measurements?

your title gives too much away!
it needs to be changed! also spoiler tags please:-)

Nope, no actual measurements in any of the writings so far. In fact, I don't think there's been an approximation of its size more specific than "really really big."

Silver Crusade

Huge spoilers in the title.............

I flagged it, yeah too enticing for the playas:)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Not the moment. I expect more information will be in The Divinity Drive.

If I had to guess...


I'd say Divinity's exact size won't ever be revealed, and here's why: by keeping it undefined, that lets each GM decide for his/her own game what works best. Also, there's the question of how much of Divinity is still intact and explorable. Something tells me we won't get a firm percentage there, either.

All we know for sure is that Divinity was so large that its remnants can be found consistently over a country that's roughly 100,000 square miles. That tells me Divinity was at least a few cubic miles in size.

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