Westphalian_Musketeer |

I'm beginning to make plans for hosting a Pathfinder game in my city. I've already GMed a bit online, but would personally prefer the chance to do it in-person. I've already considered a few things to make things easier/successful.
1. Going to speak with a hobby store owner who regularly has his shop play host to gaming events. That will hopefully set up a uniform time and location.
2. First game will be the Emerald Spire Superdungeon Module. I've been reading through it, and apart from standard violence, there doesn't seem to be anything objectionable content-wise, have I missed something in it? This might factor into when I'm able to GM at the local store for this event.
3. 20 point buy. Constitution may not be below 10 after racial modifiers. I've had experiences of players dumping constitution in the past, and it's needlessly dragged down everyone.
4. Core races, tieflings, aasimar, dhampir, skinwalkers and geniekin races permitted (I own all the supplementary materials for those). Skinwalker racial abilities are all effective at all times (I.E. no need to be shapechanged to get the second +2 stat) and intimidate checks are unaffected.
5. Core, Base, and Hybrid classes all permitted. All archetypes permitted.
6. Evil alignments permitted, but the player needs to give their character a motivation to not tear the party apart.
7. No attacking other players unless they are A) Dominated or B) Dragging the party into a fight with high-level NPCs. This applies to all PCs equally.
8. 1st Party (Paizo) products only. Anything that is not available on the PRD must be owned by either myself or the player using it.
9. Two traits, or three traits and a drawback for character creation.
Besides these, are there any other factors I should consider?
Lastly, I have a few questions as pertaining specifically to the module: are there any map resources for the Emerald Spire Superdungeon? Are there any special considerations to be made regarding the involvement of the non-core races can impact the game in terms of NPC reactions?

Joana |

Westphalian_Musketeer |

Westphalian_Musketeer wrote:Lastly, I have a few questions as pertaining specifically to the module: are there any map resources for the Emerald Spire Superdungeon?They're not cheap.
Regular Flip Mat and Dry Erase Marker for the main dungeons it is! I've got map cards for side-adventures.

Emmanuel Nouvellon-Pugh |

3. Use a 15 point buy and offer 3 traits because I believe that most monsters in the book are made with a 15 point buy, and the extra trait allows for a more flavorful character.
6. Make it Crystal that while good characters cannot murder anyone that is evil without reason, evil characters may not behave like spoiled children.
7. Better include acting in a civil manner... for obvious reasons.
8. Allow Archives of Nethys because they have references that include the book and page number as a proper citation.
9. I advise that you not allow regional or campaign traits not pertaining to the module.
The only additional advice I can offer is to ban the feat sacred-geometry.
Lastly you should be using a wet-erase marker for a vinyl flip-mat and I find that numbering the grid as a chess board helps me remember where traps may be. You may want to use reusable tokens that can be written on for monsters. I personaly use a set of blank brass tokens from etsy

Westphalian_Musketeer |

3. Use a 15 point buy and offer 3 traits because I believe that most monsters in the book are made with a 15 point buy, and the extra trait allows for a more flavorful character.
6. Make it Crystal that while good characters cannot murder anyone that is evil without reason, evil characters may not behave like spoiled children.
7. Better include acting in a civil manner... for obvious reasons.
8. Allow Archives of Nethys because they have references that include the book and page number as a proper citation.
9. I advise that you not allow regional or campaign traits not pertaining to the module.
The only additional advice I can offer is to ban the feat sacred-geometry.
Lastly you should be using a wet-erase marker for a vinyl flip-mat and I find that numbering the grid as a chess board helps me remember where traps may be. You may want to use reusable tokens that can be written on for monsters. I personaly use a set of blank brass tokens from etsy
Your phrasing of #6 is much better than my own. Agreed on the point of campaign traits, but not regional traits.
With regards to the 15 point buy, the module does assume 15 point buy for the characters, and monsters reflect that. However I'm comfortable in adjusting encounters with either advanced templates, more monsters, or just a straight boost to HP. Thinking on the traits however. I suppose three isn't too harmful. It gives me more side-adventure plot-hooks, and a drawback could be forgotten easily until certain moments.
And as for Sacred Geometry, yikes, looked that one up and realized that while I had heard of it, it has slipped my mind. Don't think I'm letting that happen again. That stuff's more convoluted than Paladin codes.
Thanks for the advice.

Guardianlord |

1. Consider carefully allowing the leadership feat. It can be easily abused by players and rarely ends well for the table without a lot of careful OOG talk before hand.
2. Set the expectations of the game early and clearly at character creation (Serious hard core, for Noobs introduction, silly all out anything goes, etc), nothing quite like having a system abuse clown at a game for introducing new players.
3. Since you are allowing Evil players, as the above suggested make the rules for playing evil VERY clear, set hard, concrete rules that are known to the entire table before hand. I suggest a book of table rules that anyone can look up at any time, record RAI rulings and such.
4. Make certain everyone is having fun and is playing the game they want to play, you seem like an experienced Gm so this should not be tricky for you.
Good luck.

Westphalian_Musketeer |

1. Consider carefully allowing the leadership feat. It can be easily abused by players and rarely ends well for the table without a lot of careful OOG talk before hand.
2. Set the expectations of the game early and clearly at character creation (Serious hard core, for Noobs introduction, silly all out anything goes, etc), nothing quite like having a system abuse clown at a game for introducing new players.
3. Since you are allowing Evil players, as the above suggested make the rules for playing evil VERY clear, set hard, concrete rules that are known to the entire table before hand. I suggest a book of table rules that anyone can look up at any time, record RAI rulings and such.
4. Make certain everyone is having fun and is playing the game they want to play, you seem like an experienced Gm so this should not be tricky for you.Good luck.
1. I think I'll include a caveat on that one alongside the Sacred Geometry Feat ban.
2. Likely Serious, with experienced players being welcome to bring along new players. I'll likely have a fair chunk of the first session dedicated to finalizing character builds for everyone.
3. I'll be sure and include that in the reference document I'm making.
4. Yep, if the group is a touch more interested in one story element than another, I'll be working to accomodate. As for experience, not so much as simply working to be as well read on as many things that can come up as possible.
You could simply run it as a PFS module using PFS rules. The modules can be run for credit.
The exact reason I'm planning this game is to grant greater flexibility than PFS rules, both player-side (races, archetypes, alignments that are typically restricted) and GM-side (Do I want the players to have a side-adventure against a Mohrg before going back to beating up serpentfolk?)

CLufaS |

Notecards are by and large the one thing I always bring (either in sticky or flat card form), a close third to pencils and dice. Keep quick reference notes on DCs, NPC names and attitudes, and basic traps/hazard info it'll save you from having to search a tome for info. You should also check and see if your locale permits food and drink, most of the shops I know of do, but it's always best to clear it first.
Is there anything you feel unsure of?