What knowledge skills are useful for RotR?

Rise of the Runelords

As the title says, I am planning to play a character with a lot of skill points but I am not sure where to invest apart from the perception, sense motive, bluff, diplomacy. These are my 4 standards so far.

I assume knowledge arcana is also useful. Any other generic suggestions?
I am playing an archer.


I would suggest reading the Rise of the Runelords Payer's Guide. It covers exactly what you are looking for. It is a free download from Paizo.


Lao Haeris wrote:

As the title says, I am planning to play a character with a lot of skill points but I am not sure where to invest apart from the perception, sense motive, bluff, diplomacy. These are my 4 standards so far.

I assume knowledge arcana is also useful. Any other generic suggestions?
I am playing an archer.

Local absolutely.

Nature, Arcana, Planes and Religion will be moderately useful.

Engineering, Dungeoneering, Nobility and Geography won't be of much use.

History. Absolutely get history. There is a TON of things you can learn/understand with a high knowledge history. Just my two coppers.

Jigjo wrote:
History. Absolutely get history. There is a TON of things you can learn/understand with a high knowledge history. Just my two coppers.

This. And all the others mentioned, but this is the biggie.

Jigjo wrote:
History. Absolutely get history. There is a TON of things you can learn/understand with a high knowledge history. Just my two coppers.

Definitely. My response should have read 'History and Local absolutely.'

As the others have said: History.

Started a new character (Wizard/Cleric/Theurge) yesterday after my Cleric died at the end of book 1. My GM wasn't too happy about the 30 I got on my history check at level 5. Forced him to reveal quite a bit more than he wanted to. :D

(It didn't matter much because we'd have learned most of it shortly anyway.)

The Exchange

I would disagree with Wiggz on dungeoneering and geography. They're not absolute must haves, but we have found them useful so far. I know that you will travel all over Varisia by the end of the AP, so geography seems a must by the end.

Knowledge nobility has some uses early on too. Can't say about later since we are only in the middle of the second module; but in the first two modules we have found this more useful than I would have expected.

If I'm honest though, perception and knowledge - local are the two most useful skill from what I've seen so far. Then Knowledge - History and linguistics to learn the thasalonian rune language.

Will your group be heavy into the roleplay aspects of Sandpoint or just in it to bash the bad guys? If roleplaying a lot, perform and profession can come in handy. I believe one of the campaign traits even promotes having perform as a skill. If just in it for the mercenary monster bashing stick to the hard core adventure requirements.

Qakisst Vishtani wrote:
I would disagree with Wiggz on dungeoneering and geography. They're not absolute must haves, but we have found them useful so far. I know that you will travel all over Varisia by the end of the AP, so geography seems a must by the end.

The reason I said no on Geography is that you're only going to be travelling in Varisia, and, at the end of the day, no GM is going to force the game to stall or the party to miss an entire dungeon because someone failed a Geography check. Finding out where you want to go and how to get there should be a relatively simple matter before you set out, and I've yet to see a Geography check make the difference in a single encounter - social, combat or otherwise.

Generally Dungeoneering is useful if you're going to be spending a lot of time underground which you're not. It allows you to determine how deep you are underground, what type of store or metal ore you come across, underground 'hazards' (though not necessarily traps - see Perception) and it allows you to make monster knowledge checks when dealing with aberrations and oozes... none of which are encountered with any kind of frequency if at all.

Just my two cp.

The Exchange

are aberrations, as are other creatures you may encounter. Having some idea in game of what they can do is helpful. They are hardly the only aberrations in RotRL and first appear in Burnt Offerings.

And I know that the AP stays within the boundaries of Varisia; but knowing a little bit about terrain and climate certainly is useful when fighting in what is going to turn into a wilderness adventure in

the Hook Mountain Massacre and Fortress of the Stone Giants.

Maybe Wiggz's GM isn't as strict on some skills or didn't let him know what was and wasn't an aberration but different GMs will handle such issues differently. If you know your GM will hold you to knowing in character what a creature is or what the best way to travel overland or deal with threats in various environments you should consider these as important secondary skills you will need. If your GM is not strict, then of course don't worry about it.

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